Reworking my vision statement from May:
I believe the combination of language and art instruction for German learners in a supportive community facilitates studying, enriches their lives and promotes understanding.
I would love some feedback. I teach German by using simple art projects to visualize new content to help memorization and…Read More
Hi lovelies!
I am working on my vision statement. I am working off of my Universal Truth: Embracing your emotional relationship with food heals your mind, body and soul.The Mission:
We believe creating awareness around your (a, the?) relationship with food can heal the world.I am struggling with ” your, a, the” also is “the world” too broad?
I agree with Amy, if your vision is around the “your” your mission should be too. (“Embracing your…” and creating awareness around you…”) It’s more personal. I also don’t think world here is too broad. If one person at a time can be healed / have awarenesss around food then essentially you’re healing the world, just one person at a time 🙂
Direct Offer Content
Are you feeling frustration, stress, anxiety, conflicted within yourself or with different parts of your life? Tired of conducting life from the rear seats vs. being your best self.If so, join my signature BodyHypnosis program. 12 weeks of 1:1 personal sessions and learn how to:
– Create more awareness around the…Read More
Joel – this is clear and concise – good job. I wouldn’t say “if so join my …” because you are then asking them for a consult. See how that may feel like a mixed message to your peeps? You might say something like: If this sounds like what you are experiencing, you may benefit from program called xyz. See the difference?
This is my direct offer. I’ll be posting on IG and FB. Also, any suggestions for a photo to go with this.
How you can have clean, healthy hair and scalp almost instantly!!
Are you a woman who has been blessed with fine, flat hair? Is greasy, gross feeling hair a constant battle? Is your hair lacking shine and just feels overall lifeless…Read More
Hi Aimee, this is very good. 1-2 minor spelling errors (results & assessment). From what I understand Google can punish rankings of claims like “the most amazing”, the best, you can get around it by making it subjective. “I believe this is the most amazing..” Also, if you some authority, I would consider adding it here. “Being a stylist for 10…Read More
Direct Offer Email:
Guten Tag, NAME,
Do you want to become an engaged participant in German conversations?
I know how intimidating it is to learn and speak a new language from my own experiences. I did not dare to talk to people when I immigrated to Canada. I was so afraid everyone would think I was stupid because I could not express…Read More
How did this go? I know you had it scheduled for after class. Do you have a link so we can see how it was laid out?
Hi Amy, Here is the link to my newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/973bea04b7a5/german-news-5238392. I also posted it on my Facebook wall and shared it to my page and group. I had one comment and a couple of likes to the post. No response from the email.
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Brenda Uekert
Annette Presley
Good job! What about this (looking to warm this up a little): I believe German learners learn best with a combination of language + art instruction–in a highly supportive community.