KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman
Are you still working on your core values? We are getting together again tomorrow at noon ET.
Kerstin Peters is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Club Members
Time: Jan 10, 2023 12:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom…Read More
Kerstin Peters is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Club Members
Time: Jan 10, 2023 12:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81414121241?pwd=VG9aZTdGNis1RVcyaGg4T0g0T205QT09Meeting ID: 814 1412 1241
Passcode: 064801
Would love your brilliance with some assistance with Core Values statements – these for the International Argentine Tango academy. Are they repetitive? Are they in the right direction?? Thoughts and feedback please!
Cultural expansionWe believe that a successful tango academy supports a community and its…Read More
This is great as is and you can run with it. If you want to take it a level deeper – what else can you say besides “classes, workshops, retreats”. What are 3 steps (that are an experience and can tap into emotion and the results ) that people will go through instead of “classes, workshops, retreats” for your second line about bodies can learn.
@amymshannonhernandez-com thank you – are there examples of what you mean “3 steps”? Are you saying that I state that we believe in these 3 steps? or words like transformation, growth, discovery, connection?
Because ultimately they want to learn to dance… right? will people wonder if they will??? lol!!!!
This is terrific.
I would move “We believe in creating dancers not just students.” Maybe as the 2nd statement. It is simple, beautiful & clear.
The learning statement I think can be written in slightly 2 different versions.
1. – We believe that all bodies can learn argentine tango. Classes, workshops, retreats, and cultural immersions all ser…Read More-
These are great Suggestions @joel. I like the 1st one best and I wonder about using the word “wonderful” – it feels a little empty…. does it?
I would change the second one: We believe that all bodies can learn argentine tango for practice, growth, improvement and self-expression.
this is so concise – i love it a lot = thank you…. @kpetersdomingoinformatics-ca
Happy New Year! Everyone who likes to work on the core values together, I have scheduled the following meeting for Friday:
Topic: My Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Members
Time: Jan 6, 2023 10:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88038348349?pwd=OVV4QWwxVGx2eStQaEdDK2U3d2F2Zz09Meeting…Read More
I’m not going to be able to make the call on Wednesday because I’ll be on a plane to warm weather – woohoo!
I wanted to share how I used my commitment statement in my marketing this week.
I’m in the middle of a launch for my program so I created a post and put it on IG and FB. I also sent an email with similar wording but added a little…Read More
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Jackie Barker
Emily Gowen, Accredited Financial Coach
Stephanie Steyer
are we on for today? same l;ink?