• 4 Emails – book a call — Would love your feedback pls!!! (my ideal clients wants to go from overworked, underpaid business owner -Chief Everything Officer — to a well paid CEO of a well running business machine.) Here you go…..

    1) HOOK/SUBJECT line: Working 24/7 and still feel broke?

    Preview: let’s chat

    Hello first name

    I see y…Read More

    • I am pushing you here… working 24/7, hustling on weekends & evenings and yet despite being overworked, you still feel broke – does not bridge over well to #2: Your marketing and content doesn’t position your solution as the BEST solution for your audience.

      I know you have better ones to choose from that will speak to the overworked/under p…Read More

    • Love Email 2 and 4! For Email 3 I feel like there are 2 opening sentences. Maybe just pick one sentence and focus on what their want is which they don’t have. Like “If you’re not feeling like you know exactly what to do and all your juggling balls are in a line, it may because you’re spending too much time on non-revenue generating activities”.…Read More

  • Would you rather take a Business Self-Assessment or a Business Freedom Audit? (my lead magnet) FYI – I help Chief Everything Officers stop getting stuck in the day to day running of their business and step into their true role of Visionary CEO so they can build a self-running biz engine.

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  • Here’s my first draft — entitled: The CEO who cleaned toilets

    There once was a business owner who thought she was a CEO.

    She owned a retail store where she did everything…

    from bookkeeping, purchasing, selling, making displays, hiring, firing –She even cleaned the toilets!! She was exhausted trying to do everything herself even tho…Read More

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    • I think this is mostly there overall – I just want to ask – (because I am learning) is the ‘thought reversal’ clear enough? You USED to be the CEO and then needed to focus on your daughter and to your SURPRISE – the business grew – but WHY & HOW – I “think” needs to be addressed – so people can understand how you can help them.

    • what is WLPM? I think you need to just say it – work less, profit more because you are diving into another acronym with GROW.

    • Can you tie this back to toilets? After all, you started your business for freedom, even if you are not the one currently cleaning the toilets like I was! Let’s partner together and build your self-running business engine.

    • such an impactful story

  • Hey guys — would love further feedback on this landing page? Would the word ‘stealers’ or wasters be better than saboteurs? This is the draft for the first iteration of the workshop. https://dianalidstone.com/uncover-hidden-profits/

    • Diana – I have been thinking about wasters and stealers for several days!!! Not sure if you’ve chosen one – but I’m opting on “wasters”. – I feel like I want to steal more time to do things but I know that I waste time doing things that are distracting or?
      maybe this helps???

    • I think either works, but I like stealers better because waster implies that the person is wasting time rather than the activity taking up their time so they can’t do more important things.

      I don’t know if this works better or not, but what about 10x productivity for you and your team.

      And I would put 9 time stealers instead of 9 sabateurs at the end.

    • At first, I liked saboteur best, but when I checked the definition, it signified that a person does an action deliberately. For your workshop, I would probably go with waster. While the persons are active, they concentrate on the wrong activities.

  • TAKE #2 – 3 results….

    Here’s the results for my 1-1 Coaching program (12 months) — input pls … Working with me you will…

    1. co-create & implement a VISIBILITY ROADMAP which ensures that you STAND OUT as the undeniable authority in your field so you magnetize dream clients with ease (without paid ads and perhaps without social med…Read More

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    • 1) I would say …” without paid ads and even social media”. Your clients can still use any or both, but you give them options to succeed without these tools. 2) Do you only work with entrepreneurs who already have a team? If I read this, I assume it is not for solopreneurs. 3) “… to pay yourself and your team competitively. You might even…Read More

    • #3 — Optimize your business model and metrics in your PROFIT Plan that will uncover hidden profit leaks and where you might be leaving money on the table.

      • Uncover hidden profit leaks and where you might be leaving money on the table so we can optimize your PROFIT Plan for the future.

    • I might change the second point to use a comma after bottleneck and then ‘allowing you the freedom you truly desire.’

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