• Is anyone planning to join me Thursday at noon ET for the 4 Th Wednesday Community Cooperation Meeting? Some of you mentioned that they had a time conflict. I could also host it at 10:30 AM or 3:30 PM.

    Time: Aug 24, 2022 12:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
    Every month on the Fourth Wed, 4 occurrence(s)
    Aug 24, 2022 12:00…Read More

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  • Here’s my why I do what I do story:

    When I first started out as a dietitian, I was so excited to help people feel better and have the ability and energy to do all the things they wanted to do.

    About 14 years in, my excitement turned to anger when I discovered that the advice I was giving was actually contributing to chronic disease and…Read More

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    • Whoops. Is it compelling? Anything you don’t like?

      • I like it a lot. Here are a few suggested edits. I think your anger & frustration w/ the system comes through clearly, along w/ the desire for something better. I imagine the women struggling w/ all of these might need a sense of support & caring. While I know you care deeply about your clients. Somehow, I don’t feel I’m getting quite as str…Read More

    • I agree with Joel that I think it comes out harsher than kinder. The first section especially comes out strong. Paragraph 3 & 4 seem very personal so I think they need to change some. Instead of saying you were “getting away with it”, make this more about your clients at the time. Something along the lines of “My system was meant to help my…Read More

        • I’m looking forward to the rewrite. You got a great story and a wonderful rhythm of tension & release. A little more of your vulnerable and caring side and you are there.

          • How about this?

            When I first started out as a dietitian, I was so excited to help people feel better and have the ability and energy to do all the things they wanted to do.

            About 14 years in, my excitement turned to anger when I discovered that the advice I was giving was actually contributing to chronic disease and obesity. I was so mad I…Read More

            • Hi Annette,
              This is better. It’s still got a little bit of focus on your upset, so I wonder if we can take advantage of that. And I hope I’m not putting words in your mouth.

              When I first started out as a dietitian, I was so excited to help people feel better and have the ability and energy to do all the things they wanted to do.
              About 14 yea…Read More

          • Thank you Joel! You helped me see something. I was reading your rewrite and thought if I have to say I care that many times for it to come across that I care (particularly when no else has to do that), then there is a disconnect somewhere so I did some Theta Healing around compassion and changed some things. I’ll do a rewrite and we’ll see if that…Read More

  • Here is step 2 of the message, the story outline:

    Immigrating to Canada, I had the language skills after a two-year certification as a foreign language correspondent. While I could perform oral business translations, I did not dare to talk to people. During the full-time programme, the goal was perfection. However, we never practiced improvised…Read More

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    • Great draft – my recommendation would you warm this up with wayyy more emotion (I know this is hard for some cultures). Here’s a rewrite so you get the gist:

      I was so afraid of everyone thinking I was stupid, that I practiced my new language with our puppy–who I knew would not be judgemental and would be willing to listen! After immigrating to…Read More

  • Do you need a little extra support with your content creation? Come hang out with fellow Content Personality Club students to talk through anything that keeps you from putting your messages out. This session on the fourth Wednesday of the month is not hosted by Shannon or Amy.
    Here is the link to my personal zoom sessions for you:

    Topic: 4 Th…Read More

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  • Reworking my vision statement from May:

    I believe the combination of language and art instruction for German learners in a supportive community facilitates studying, enriches their lives and promotes understanding.

    I would love some feedback. I teach German by using simple art projects to visualize new content to help memorization and…Read More

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