• After a terrific consult, I came up w/ these 3 Core Value Statements. Many Thanks to today’s pod people, Kerstin Peters, Susan Lazar Hart & Ann James

    – CONNECTION – I believe that the more our conscious & unconscious connect (align), the better we are able to access the vast array of resources within us

    – FLOW – I believe when mind & body w…Read More

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  • I’m not going to be able to make the call on Wednesday because I’ll be on a plane to warm weather – woohoo!

    I wanted to share how I used my commitment statement in my marketing this week.

    I’m in the middle of a launch for my program so I created a post and put it on IG and FB. I also sent an email with similar wording but added a little…Read More

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    • I think that is a fabulous way to use the commitment statement.

    • Love this!! Great example! Thanks for sharing with us..

    • Very succinct. I know what you offer and am glad you didn’t add a bunch of “flowery” words to it. Nicely done.

    • It’s a wonderful set of statements. I would only change one thing – Are you ready to get your numbers in order for 2022 and set up for success in 2023? (it’s shorter, and you’ve already used “business finance” a couple of times).

  • I’m doing an upcoming workshop w/ a friend. It is a guided meditation & energetic healing. So I thought I would experiment w/ using the Nov format to promote. Energy is sometimes, a hard concept to easily quantify or make understandable for the masses, but I thought I would take a shot at it. I did my best. I encourage…Read More

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    • I got bogged down in the intro. Read it 3 times and I’m still not sure what it says. Do you need the energetically in the second sentence – You are unconsciously blocked by past trauma and events.

      You are missing “years” from the next sentence, “For over 5,000 [years]. . . And I’m a cynic. When you say that Western science has caught up, it feels…Read More

      • Hi Brenda,
        Thank you very much for your comments. Since it is an event combining guided meditation & energetic healing, I feel like the energetically is needed but I will consider it further.
        I was thinking that “Western science has caught up…” the other way, that Eastern philosophy was way ahead and we are only beginning to catch up. I guess…Read More

        • Hey Joel – your audience may very well be in tune with the concepts. I’m reading this as an “outsider,” so you might want to try it out on a few fans who are better informed of your offerings.

          • Hi Brenda, thanks again for your suggestions. I was trying to expand the audience, but it might be more challenging than I thought.

    • I really love the work you are doing, Joel. All the up front descriptions feel heavy, though I get why you want to share the detail there. Interested to see any edits you made, if you want to share them!

      • Hi Beth, thanks for your encouraging note. I was trying to widen the audience but I don’t have quite right yet. This one may have to stick w/ folks more familiar w/ energy work. I will either share something tomorrow or just get it out the door.
