ok – so I finally went for it and created an Instagram post for nitty gritty – and the video seems long – good lesson – how to be catchy to the point and shorter!
Let’s see what engagement is like… still not sure I actually captured the essence of the assignment but let’s see…
thanks for all and any…Read More -
“nitty gritty client details”
Why learning only steps and patterns fail in dancing Argentine Tango
The reasons you’re not getting the results you want in classes is because you’re focusing on just steps and patterns.
The steps and patterns fail you because you’re neglecting to consider your partnered communication and conne…Read More
This can flow better:
The steps and patterns fail you because you’re neglecting to consider your partnered communication and connection.This is keeping you stuck and from progressing to dancing with better dancers.
Steps and patterns are failing preventing you from dancing with better dancers because you’re neglecting to consider your p…Read More
Possible hooks:
*3 reasons you’re losing out on dances at festivals
* why your embrace could be costing you dances
*why you feel uncomfortable in your embraces
*want to improve your social dance connection and get more dances?
*from chaos to clarity in your embrace
*from ho-hum to orgasmic in your social dancing
*Stop getting stepped on…Read More-
This is my favorite: *want to improve your social dance connection and get more dances? You are focusing on those who already dance, right?
Hi Daniela, I’m new so take my comments w/ a grain of salt. Personally, I don’t know what embrace means in that context. I definitely know what the last entry means…”Stop getting stepped on!” I don’t know what social dances mean? I’m guessing that your target audience knows exactly what that means? Does that mean going to dance clubs and getting…Read More
Ok – so i tried to upload my attempt at this month’s messaging here and that didn’t work so i just went for it… – not sure what my block to this task is but here’s my attempt…
https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxS8Xogrmh9/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== -
Trying out Bold Qualifiers – for my “Tango Training Class” (which I want to expand beyond tango dancers but those are the people who like it and are coming to it at the moment.)
To get the best results for the “tango training class” you are a person:
who can walk comfortably for 20 minutes
who is ready to make time and space for you…Read More - Load More Posts

Jackie Barker



I love the way you explained that it’s the connection between the partners is more important than memorizing the steps. When the connection is there and you are listening to their movements, the steps will come. Fabulous!