• Direct Offer Content with Testimonial

    Hi everyone!
    I’d love your feedback and reflections on this draft post.
    With gratitude.

    Is leadership stress dragging you down?

    As a woman in a leadership role, you’re no stranger to navigating stress and pressure.

    This is not your first rodeo- you’ve been at this for a while and it’s tak…Read More

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    • Is the stress of being a leader dragging you down?

    • This feels like a better theme than stress: learned to speak my truth without the other party feeling attacked or judged.learned to speak my truth without the other party feeling attacked or judged.

      • Amy, do you think the testimonial doesn’t really reflect the topic? Or, is “learned to speak my truth…” a more interesting or specific?

        • D. all the above. I think this quote doesn’t fit the text as well as if you talked about the judgement and speaking truth.
          If you have another quote that mentions stress and burn out, plug that into this text. And then create a new draft focused on Judgement and speaking the truth to go with this quote.

  • Here is my post draft. Feedback welcome. Do I create a clear enough picture of the challenge and transformation?

    Are you stuck in overwhelm when it comes to getting your financial information organized so you can file your taxes?

    Do you struggle with managing the money in your business because you feel like you just aren’t a ‘numbers per…Read More

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    • Hey, Sara! Great post. You’re really zeroing in on your clients’ problem state. The program I think can be a little more concrete. Right now it kind of reads like it just consists of two calls. Can you spell out a little of what you do and what you help your client to do?

    • I like it- maybe With Easy Business™ Bookkeeping VIP, includes XXXX and 2 BONUS 1:1 sessions with me, where I guide you through what’s holding you back so you can implement the system seamlessly for your business.

    • A couple of additional thoughts, Sara:
      I think the meta-message (the underlying message of everything you say) is EASE. For instance, I see the word ‘templates’ and I think, oh yeah, that’s what’ll make things easy for me. I want to know more about THAT!
      $2k is a big spend for me. I want a little more specificity in what’s included. Like a bullet…Read More

    • Sara, this feels really clear to me.

    • This could speak to any business person out there, so there for it doesn’t speak to anyone. A few suggestions, but see if you can get smaller with who you help on this as well.

      Are you stuck in overwhelm when it comes to getting your financial information organized so you can file your taxes? And so instead you help a client with their health…Read More

    • This was clear to me. You identified who this is for, what their struggle is, how your program will help and that for this one time cost your clients gain a system they can use for years.

  • I am ready to post- is this compelling, if not what would it take to DM me?

    10 spots ONLY- Is one of them yours?

    Are your parents aging?
    Are you caring for a parent or loved one?
    Are you experiencing a range of emotions from sadness to overwhelm?

    You are NOT ALONE.

    Lack of knowledge, resources and support are REAL!

    I know first…Read More

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  • First draft of direct sales with testimonial. I think it’s all here. Needs sharpening and honing. Feedback appreciated!


    Is this you? You’ve spent hundreds (or thousands!) of dollars and countless hours developing your business website. You may have hired a marketing consultant to help you with SEO, social media, and your website. You…Read More

    • Other than what we discussed in the breakout. This feels really long and duplicating. I got lost in all the information, can you offer the hook, the the problem and offer with less?

      • Thanks, Tracy! It DOES feel long. I tend to write long and then pare things down.

        • Yes, I also agree that it feels long. I also think there should be some sort of transition between these two lines. It feels disconnected to me.
          That’s a tall order! And that’s why a conventional approach to gen…Read More

  • January content : Direct offer with client testimonial

    10 spots for a Shamanic Circle to regain your Feminine Power – is it for you ?
    A 3 hrs Live workshop

    Women often think finding their feminine power is hard, or on the contrary, assume it is inherent to their being, but often have misconception on what it is really.

    And I get it,…Read More

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    • Claire – like this a lot! I think to really make this pop you can talk a little bit about what the inner compass is and what the wound healing is. I think this will strengthen the piece and pull people in more.

    • Liked this, Claire. I second Shannon’s comment. I also get the problem state of confusion and mixed messages around women’s power. Bravo!

    • What about identifying more of what feminine energy id rather than focusing on masculine energy or what healing looks/feels like?

    • Instead of: Here is what a client went through – could you say something like “here is what a recent client experienced during our work together” – to tie it more to her work with you?

  • A client story post – where the client is me! A post for Linked In and Facebook.

    The photographer steps in front of the camera
    I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly evolving – usually on several fronts at once! So I work to update my brand images once a year to keep up with the most current me. Matt, a recent client who’s a talented…Read More

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    • Hi Dan, I love your story. I was wondering at the beginning how you d use the stepping in front of the camera, and I love, and resonate with what you describe, bringing in your essence, your unique style, your ever evolving, and taking us through your experience 🙂 pitty I am so far away !

    • Dan – great start. I think I would love to see a more personalized CTA here that positions your unique approach. Something maybe like this: Are you a coach, consultant or transformational leader committed to being boldly visible in service of sharing your gifts with your right-fit clients? Would you like to share the full essence of who you are in…Read More

    • Very engaging and then your invitation to action dropped off. As usual Shannons is on point to complete your captivating beginning.

  • Nitty Gritty Refocused! Would love feedback!


    Would your teens benefit from:
    – Building a positive self-image?
    – Effective communication skills?
    – Strategies to develop resilience?
    – Managing his/her emotions?
    – Methods to set…Read More

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    • You have already shared this, correct?

    • What part specifically would you like feedback on?

    • I’m not sure if this is something you talk about in your work, but what about a result of your teens becoming more independent? For example – managing their own homework, courseload, schedule etc. Maybe that falls under resilience, but I know many parents who feel like they can’t get their teen to take ownership of things. On another note – I am…Read More

  • Direct Offer Post–would love feedback! Is it too long? Does it make sense or did I get too wordy? Thanks all!

    3 spots left in the new redesigned Imagine Social Group! Is one of them for your child?
    Many parents of young children delay seeking outside social skills support for their child for a couple of reasons –
    -valid reasons too!
    1-…Read More

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    • one question. do your parents say they want help with their parenting skills? If not, rework this line:
      It’s okay, take a breath- I’m here to help you calm your nerves, boost your confidence as a parent, all while helping your child get on the right track to more positive social thinking skills in 4 weeks.

    • Many parents of young children delay seeking outside social skills support for their child for a couple of reasons –
      -valid reasons too! how about for valid reasons.

    • I love the picture you painted. Great job! My question is – what age children is the group for? Elementary? Teens? I can tell it’s for younger children but maybe specifying age will help people to self identify with it more.

  • Direct Offer Content:

    Does your tech and systems look a little bit like this? A little bit of a CRM stuck to your online learning platform. And then we toss in a few spreadsheets, an e-commerce storefront with a project management system. Don’t forget your website too!

    And somehow, they all have to play nice together and run your b…Read More

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    • I like this because in your testimony she says ‘in a few months’ which gives people realistic expectations. Great testimony also because she highlights at the end that she has systems that run without her constantly monitoring and speaks to your offer to streamline systems and build better workflows. Nice job!

    • where did you find the toy photo? that is so freaking perfect!

    • with that testimonial, you don’t have to use it all. Here is how I would rework it to fit this offer and not confuse your reader. AND I have a question – will you be the one traking KPIs, tasks, etc with this offer? If not… ditch this and start with Together “Today, she tracks KPIs, ensures all tasks are completed by my team, has a list of…Read More

      • @amymshannonhernandez-com So that’s a little tricky. I have released that client and no longer work with her. I’m not sure if I can/should reword that testimonial to read in the past tense.

        • yes you should. It doesn’t have to be word-for-word exact. And, you don’t have to keep everything because it no longer relates to the work you do.
          My question for you (and everyone else reading/thinking this) is this testimony actually saying what you need it to say and does it make sense? Right now, Carrie, as written – it is confusing and takes…Read More

          • I don’t handle the implementation and ongoing maintenance/retainer work. I provide them with the audit blueprint and make recommendations for what needs to be restructured and changed. I can manage the change over, but don’t implement.

    • I love how you painted the picture at the beginning. I could totally see it!

  • Nitty Gritty details
    Already seeing some ways I can strengthen this piece – like your photos may be costing you clients, more focus on using photos to BUILD RELATIONSHIP, which leads to clients.Thoughts?


    Three tips to using location to create standout personal brand images that position you as an authority

    Ever go to a coach’s…Read More

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    • I like the content; it’s incredibly valuable and is things that I have never considered before with positioning my photos. My question is, where or how are you going to use this content? For me, it reads like a blog or an article. It feels a skootch too long for a single social media post, but I could definitely see it as a series of posts by…Read More

    • You really like this theme! Here is my challenge for you. How can you use your Live/In-person content personality more?

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