• Value Messaging – posting on Linked In and Facebook

    No more boring headshots: Three tips for using location for standout personal brand images

    Ever go to a coach’s website and see a conventional headshot photographed against a soft, blurry portrait studio backdrop? Of course we all have. It’s often the mark of a so-called “professional”…Read More

    • Wow, that image is really big. Feels like the hook needs some love. Right now it’s oriented to avoiding what you don’t want — boring headshots. Maybe orient to what you DO want — like headshots that capture your attention? Either way I really want to position my services as MUST HAVE, not just nice to have. Thoughts?

      • Hi Dan….Ever go to a coach’s website and see a conventional headshot photographed against a soft, blurry portrait studio backdrop? Of course we all have. It’s often the mark of a so-called “professional” headshot. Is this your hook? I agree with you, to talk about how it’s a must have. When you go on to explain how you like to persona…Read More

    • You LOVE this format, don’t you! I really like this. If you wanted to A/B test this – I would put two images together. 1 of someone in front of the blue fuzzy background (if you have a client that used to have the bad background,, that would be cool to have the same person. I have a fuzzy blue background and outdoor ones that I am happy to donate…Read More

    • Hi Dan,

      Great pic of your client.
      I would consider shortening the title – No more boring headshots: Three tips for using location

      What confuses is me you talk about a blurry background, and part of your photo is out of focus. It seems contradictory to me. Plus, I am finding the out-of-focus portion distracting from the beautiful & strong portion…Read More

  • Revised 01 (parts in Square Brackets [] are for the video & won’t be in the text version) Stop “Shoulding” on Yourself

    Do you have a bunch of shoulds or shouldn’ts you keep telling yourself? Something you want to do differently, but haven’t managed to change so far.
    – I should exercise, I should lose weight, I should stop smoking, I should…Read More

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  • Hello! We’re posting our Brand Commitment Statements here for feedback:

    We are committed to helping women service-based business owners understand their mindset, money, and metrics so that they can build a sustainably profitable business that lights them up.

    We are committed to promoting collaboration over competition and relationship…Read More

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    1 Comment
    • Thank you for making it so clear what Framework you followed ❤️ Can you go to two other posts and read people’s messaging and provide comments back? You become a better messenger when you read other’s posts as well. Thank you!!!

      I love these! Where will you (or do you) have these posted? Website? Socials?

      Small wording suggestion to #2 to help…Read More

  • Hi everyone,

    I would love some commentary. I’ve tried to simplify as much as possible, but it is still running a bit longer than I would like.

    Stop “Shoulding” on Yourself

    Do you have a bunch of shoulds or shouldn’ts you keep telling yourself? Something you want to do differently, but haven’t managed to change so far. I should exercise,…Read More

    • I like the title “Stop Shoulding on Yourself!” It definitely draws me in…maybe a play on words? We’ve all been there “I should exercise, stop smoking, etc, so I feel this hook helps to keep me engaged. For the three tips, maybe an example of what this sounds like for 1)…..For two, I see you give the example about the client and her son, but…Read More

      • Thanks Keri for your feedback – the revised version is a little tighter, and the example for #2 is for the video version. I will record and the decide whether or not to cut it out. Thanks again!

  • Bummer I thought I had posted this and it does not show… Reposting it

    Value Messaging
    How to remain inspired when you want to change your professional life ?
    Often time you dream of changing job or creating your own business but it is hard to figure out where to start and if it is the right choice for you, the right timing, hard to put a…Read More

    1 Comment
    • We did this LIVE on Wed. If you want to see the re-work, it is the last 5 mins of the replay under Value Messaging, session 3

  • Just saying hey everyone! New here. I look forward to meeting everyone.

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  • Here is the link to my value…Read More

    1 Comment
    • We made some suggestions to playfully experiment with the HOOK and image in the 3rd session of Value Messaging. Go back and check out the replay if you want to hear the brainstorm. ❤️ Carrie, update us on if the next version preforms better.

  • Profile picture of AllisonCrow

    AllisonCrow changed their profile picture

  • Value Messaging Post: CTA is to get my audience (entrepreneurs and virtual assistants) onto my waitlist so I have a warm list of leads when the course goes live.

    How I saved $3k a year by automating my workflows.

    I use Slack to communicate with my team and my clients. Between clients, mastermind groups, and coaching groups, I was in close…Read More

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    • Hi Carrie, it sounds really good, even clearer than when you read it last Wednesday (did you rework the first part ? feels like it anyway !).
      One thing I feel is missing: when you tested the workflow to see if it could break : what is the use of that ? and Could you break it ? If it is to confirm that Zapier is a strong app, you may want to add…Read More

    • @carriewulfdenprofessionalsolutions-com – I saw this pop up on my FB feed last night before I drifted into dreamland. I noticed that you put the link IN the post, which actually flags FB to NOT show it to people. I recommend you repost with the link in the comment. I find Claire’s comment would also add more value to the post. Can you talk about…Read More

    • Understanding that your audience knows what Slack is, I think this sounds great, and Claire’s suggestion of tweaking the CTA/invitation to waitlist makes sense

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