• Second Post- Revised Offer! Feedback please 🙂

    Want to turn WORRY into PEACE OF MIND?
    If you are concerned about your adolescent’s mental wellness and feeling overwhelmed with how to handle it, this message is FOR YOU.

    Do any of these “I” statements resonate with you?

    – I worry about my child experiencing anxiety, depression
    – I strug…Read More

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    • Run with this as is… you did a good job. I really want to work on this HOOK: Want to turn WORRY into PEACE OF MIND?

      It is very vague. Any ideas of how to make it more powerful for a parent would stop their school and feel like you are talking directly to them in the very first sentence?

  • @amymshannonhernandez-com What is the best way to organize all the messaging we are developing? Tabs in an excel sheet? A google drive folder with different google docs?

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  • Profile picture of ReeJade

    ReeJade changed their profile picture

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  • Hi Club Friends!
    I just posted my offer, wondering if you all could give me feedback??

    PARENTS: I can’t tell you how many people say that they are struggling to help their kids with their confidence and mental wellness. My question to them is: How strong is YOUR mindset foundation?
    Having a strong mindset foundation as a parent is crucial t…Read More

    • Is this following the framework from our session or any of the recordings?

      • I thought so? lol I will take another look!

        • Make sure you make that part of your post. Us the title that is in the training you watched… It helps soo much. Thanks!
          ALso, make sure you go read the two posts below your post and ask any questions that the messaging brings up for you. It is how you will become a better messenger, to read others and see what might be working/or might not be…Read More

    • HI Renee,

      I would consider just using “mindset”, foundation for me just make it longer & confusing.

      Seems like “own emotional intelligence, self-care, problem solving skills, resilience, goal setting, compassion, and to build healthy relationships” is a lot. I would cut this down, or break it down to more than one sentence.

      I would also conside…Read More

  • Profile picture of KerriKender

    KerriKender changed their profile picture

  • Here’s my post I created for LinkedIn today….going to reformat it for an email to teacher leaders tomorrow. Any feedback welcomed! (The photo is one that is similar to the one I posted, I just couldn’t find the one without the wording blocking out the image for the purposes of this app post?

    📚 Educator burnout is a prevalent issue in our…Read More

    • Is this following a format from the recorded sessions?

      • Feeling maybe I’m a little lost….I put statistics in the beginning of my message as the symptoms. Maybe that’s not right? Can I put another hook and them curate the message around that. What about if I summed up the statistics to one paragraph?

        • Let’s honestly reflect, school leaders, have we checked in on our teachers wellness? Teacher turnover, vacancies, stress, and burnout are at an all time high….

          • I went based off my notes, trying to paint a picture with my messaging, and then going into the diagnosis. Amy, If you can provide some insight into where I went wrong, would love to modify. Would love to spend 3 hours watching the videos from october, when I have time. I see that one of the meetings in October has meeting notes. Are there…Read More

            • Got it, you are following the Symptoms/Diagnosis format. THAT is what we need to know when you ask for Feedback so we can help you with the framework. I wasn’t sure if you watched another video in the portal or where this came come. Make it clear by staying something like “This is my Symptom/Diagnosis post and I plan on using it in an email to my…Read More

  • Value Messaging – posting on Linked In and Facebook

    No more boring headshots: Three tips for using location for standout personal brand images

    Ever go to a coach’s website and see a conventional headshot photographed against a soft, blurry portrait studio backdrop? Of course we all have. It’s often the mark of a so-called “professional”…Read More

    • Wow, that image is really big. Feels like the hook needs some love. Right now it’s oriented to avoiding what you don’t want — boring headshots. Maybe orient to what you DO want — like headshots that capture your attention? Either way I really want to position my services as MUST HAVE, not just nice to have. Thoughts?

      • Hi Dan….Ever go to a coach’s website and see a conventional headshot photographed against a soft, blurry portrait studio backdrop? Of course we all have. It’s often the mark of a so-called “professional” headshot. Is this your hook? I agree with you, to talk about how it’s a must have. When you go on to explain how you like to persona…Read More

    • You LOVE this format, don’t you! I really like this. If you wanted to A/B test this – I would put two images together. 1 of someone in front of the blue fuzzy background (if you have a client that used to have the bad background,, that would be cool to have the same person. I have a fuzzy blue background and outdoor ones that I am happy to donate…Read More

    • Hi Dan,

      Great pic of your client.
      I would consider shortening the title – No more boring headshots: Three tips for using location

      What confuses is me you talk about a blurry background, and part of your photo is out of focus. It seems contradictory to me. Plus, I am finding the out-of-focus portion distracting from the beautiful & strong portion…Read More

  • Revised 01 (parts in Square Brackets [] are for the video & won’t be in the text version) Stop “Shoulding” on Yourself

    Do you have a bunch of shoulds or shouldn’ts you keep telling yourself? Something you want to do differently, but haven’t managed to change so far.
    – I should exercise, I should lose weight, I should stop smoking, I should…Read More

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  • Hello! We’re posting our Brand Commitment Statements here for feedback:

    We are committed to helping women service-based business owners understand their mindset, money, and metrics so that they can build a sustainably profitable business that lights them up.

    We are committed to promoting collaboration over competition and relationship…Read More

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    1 Comment
    • Thank you for making it so clear what Framework you followed ❤️ Can you go to two other posts and read people’s messaging and provide comments back? You become a better messenger when you read other’s posts as well. Thank you!!!

      I love these! Where will you (or do you) have these posted? Website? Socials?

      Small wording suggestion to #2 to help…Read More

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