• Will you join us in Miami on April 25-27th to create content live??? Here is the info. Let me know if you have any questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VNkbRw-fbST16XnItStSvVhkkeD4iWs6vSOkwbYJrUU/edit

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  • Profile picture of Dan Lewis

    Dan Lewis changed their profile picture

  • Value Messaging
    Wrote up a draft new client story. These client stories are intended to:
    – demonstrate my expertise and 3-step process (define brand needs / design photo concept and expression / capture essence in the photo shoot)
    – draw potential clients into imagining what this discovery and expression process might look like for themselves
    -…Read More

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    • Wow @danbadassity-com I LOVE this for so many reasons. We will get a visual with the story, we get the process you use – from the questions you ask AND then we get your insight as an expert about the elements of the photograph. I LOVE THIS. I might would ask a quesiton at the end that would engage people to comment/hit reply in email that would…Read More

    • @danbadassity-com also – can you please uploadd your picture to your profile so we see YOU?

    • Went right to your website to see the photo. Awesome, Dan!

    • I love how you wrote about what she wanted and then connected it to your outcome and how you met her needs and communicated her message through the picture. example-the stone church courtyard for its solidity and stability. great job!

      • Thank you so much, Allison! For me the question is always, what does this photograph need to express / communicate? That drives everything else. Appreciate your feedback!

  • Hi All!

    Hope everyone is well! I’ve included my new promotional video for my company I started here. My mission is to bring Mindfulness Stress Reduction to schools for teachers. Please take a look and offer any feedback you may have. Thank you in advance and enjoy the…Read More

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    • Where and how are you using this video?

      • I shared it on social media platforms, Linkedin especially, and will be sending out an email campaign this week. Also in the works of creating a landing page with my web developer, so once that’s up, it will be included in my professional development offering on that page. Any other suggestions?

    • Hi @kerrikalmgmail-com – so proud of you! I like your ideas for use. My one concern is that this is an informative video – which is great – but it doesn’t address the benefits of 1) the end result of working with you or 2) tell how your process is unique. No worries – these can be done in other videos geared more toward selling. Just wanted to see…Read More

      • I’m going to create more video content. I am trying to decide how I’m going to create video for messaging. Have to do some researching on what type of videos should be made and how? If it’s a marketing material, should I get it professionally done with editing? By series, do you mean a series of informational video selling my professional…Read More

        • @kerrikalmgmail-com – awesome. Well I created videos with my iphone and NO EDITING for 13 years – no need to polish it all up. People want the real you. If you have a phone and a small tripod – you are good to go. And what if you didn’t do research? What if you made a video to go along with every piece of content you create in the club? Double the…Read More

    Hey Club peeps! There is a wealth of resources for you in the portal – many of which you haven’t seen!
    So, I will spotlight a resource here so you can go take a look!

    This week go explore the Resources and Templates Section. High converting headlines and story prompts live there for your messaging inspiration and…Read More

  • Hello All-

    This is a my live for my website. I will edit for publishing after feedback. Please listen for content from the juicy burger exercise. This will go on my landing page. Does this sell?

    Thank you!

    PS_ the very last clip was an error so it will be deleted.

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    • Great job! Your compassion and empathy is totally flowing through – at the end especially.

    • This is really good. Wow, how much clearer you are in such a short time. I can feel your confidence ❤️

    • This is a great video. Lots of good content & anyone can feel the caring & support coming from you.
      For me, I think some of your pace & rhythm in different parts of your delivery were similar. It made it a little confusing. Some of the transitions to different elements ended up seeming a little quick or just a tiny bit awkward for me.
      Text boxes…Read More

  • Behind the scenes content post on Linked In. I’m looking to both give the sense of me and give a micro dose of visual education. I’m curious what feeling you come away with. Is the hook strong enough? Thanks!

    Capturing a moment, not a pose.

    Last weekend I visited the Camille Claudel sculpture exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago to take…Read More

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    • Here’s Claudel’s The Implorer.

    • I like it! The only thing I got stuck on was badassity. I feel like Badassery might sound better.

    • I agree, when written.. Capitalize B.
      But, I really want to challenge you. Your CP is LIVE/In-Person. You have been relaying on written and visual. How can you use your Live/In-Person CP Style to deliver this content?

  • This is MY Juicy Burger Offer- Any and all feedback welcomed.
    Grief Completion Circle- 8 weeks

    3 Qualifiers
1. Absolute Confidentiality
2. Commitment to honest communication
3. Open to trust the process

    Offer Details-
1. 8 weeks online zoom
2. $750 for 8-90 minute zooms
3. 4-6 PM x8

    1. What do they want?
improved relationships…Read More

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    • Looks good! A couple of thoughts: For your perceived roadblocks, I’m not sure what you mean by “time heals all pain” – is it that they think they need to endure for a period of time before they will begin to feel better? Also, for your 3 septs – Completing the pain of your relationship…. doesn’t make sense to me. And #8 – I think it needs…Read More

  • Qualifying questions

    Updated my Contact page with more specific qualifying questions.


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  • I’ve already put these questions into my Calendly link. At the moment, I’m totally experimenting, and I anticipating changing them. I already considering using some of Ann B’s questions instead of mine. And while I’ve asked the financial question @Q10, I haven’t tied a number to it yet.

    Q2: What are the most important changes you want to make i…Read More

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    • Not sure how I would answer this question: : What is the State or Feeling that would make your problem impossible to have?
      Q10, you have to give a price for this question. Is it $200 a month or a session? I wouldn’t be able to answer if there is not a dollar figure tied to it.

      • Thanks, Amy! I know Q3 “make your problem impossible to have” can be a headscratcher. It is designed to throw people a little bit outside their box, and might be better as a question asked during a Zoom call. I’m just testing it here. Thanks, again!

        • Q3 is so much better than what we looked at last Wednesday!

        • Great progress, Joel. I got some feedback myself last week that led me to eliminate a question. It was basically Are you willing to get vulnerable and playful in service of showing up as your most confident self . . . The feedback made me realize I was moving too fast, trying to move people along before I had established trust.

    • Q3 would you consider asking if (said problem) was not present what would you imagine you would experience?

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