• I got a testimonial, reworded one I got last month, and placed them on one of my pages. I ll follow up with another 2 in the coming weeks.
    I have also caught up a bit on results based messages and have used it for a newsletter 😉

    here is the page with testimonials at the bottom :
    (in english…Read More

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    • @catpeltiergmail-com wohoooo! Way to go. These testimonials are powerful – and good job on getting them out to your email list as well. Where else do you plan on using them?

      • I started to do a video to post on IG. and have to admit that I gave up, not happy with what I did. (there is a bit of ‘I am never happy with my video material and use it a s reason not to post.. am working on it …). will try again though !

    • @catpeltiergmail-com, When you get stronger testimonials – rotate them onto your website. Now that you have a process to ask for stronger testimonials you can update them more regularly. It is also nice because as you have more convos with prospective clients and you hear their stories/pain point/problems, you will have testimonials that can speak…Read More

  • Right now I’m working on growing my recurring income via WordPress Care packages/website maintenance. I’ve been using a follow-up questionnaire for quite some time and incorporated the suggestions from Shannon into this form.

    Here are the questions on the form:

    What solution were you looking for when you decided to hire Barefoot Design…Read More

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  • Profile picture of Claire Peltier

    Claire Peltier changed their profile picture

  • Hello again,
    I am not sure this is the right place to ask a question related to a topic you covered a while ago, if so, if this is not appropriate, please let me know / delete it ! If it is ok, then here I go :
    I am catching up as I joined the club and completed the landing page module. That let me to revisit and improve a number of landing…Read More

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    1 Comment
    • Hi Claire! Yup, you are in the right place 🙂 For a landing page – where people optin to a free resource or free training – the length doesn’t so much matter. People want a question to pull them (they know if they are in the right place) and then what they get. Pretty simple. Sales pages tend to be quite longer – because people often need more…Read More

  • Hi everyone, so happy to have started, and what a great topic.
    I have taken a few steps :
    – re visited the (2) testimonials I have with this new lens and really was amazed at what I got – what they say is so nice, and so useful.
    – I created a spreadsheet to keep track of the testimonials, highlighting the key points
    – I have asked…Read More

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    • Woohooo Claire – way to jump right in and take action. What useful info did you glean from the testimonial review process? I’d love to know. (Also, when you get a chance, can you please update your profile picture to you!) 🙂

      • Hi Shannon, what I take from the testimonial module is :
        – testimonials are a great way to understand the value I can bring to my clients (in their own words and experience)
        – it is a great source of content
        – also a source of valuable feedback to keep on learning and develop myself
        – something I do want to do on a regular basis
        – it can also be…Read More

  • Profile picture of Jackie Barker
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    • It’s pretty good. I tightened it a little bit. I think it could probably tighten up a little bit more.

      Congrats! Your business has evolved into something magical and spectacular and now it is time for your website to evolve too.

      Over the next few days, I’m going to share three Quick Expert Tips for you to consider so you can transform your…Read More

  • I’ve been noodling on this, but this is the basic messaging I’ve come up with. Once I feel confident about it, I’ll likely do a mini-live series. 🙂

    Would love feedback:

    Top 3 Benefits of Participating in a Spiritual Ritual

    Community: Experience the power of being in an affirming group of people all aligned in amplifying Collective…Read More

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    • i like it – very clear – sounds nourishing… In the title I kind of want to know what kind of spiritual ritual… maybe just me itching for a little more info about the “container”….
      A little picky thing – #1 – I suggest removing “all” before “aligned”.
      In #2 – “specific” ritual space – do you need the word “specific”?

    • I like this. I explored changing it up a little bit.

      Community: Experience the power of being united in creating a better world! Join an affirming group of people all aligned in amplifying Collective healing & sharing profound transformation.

      Container: allow yourself to get away from everyday circumstances. Join in creating a defined safe…Read More

  • Here is a link to LinkedIn article, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-ive-taught-hundreds-people-roll-eyes-me-how-can-help-joel-elfman. My 3 tips are embedded in the article which also includes a video exercise to help create an easy state of meditation. Many thanks to the Friday morning Brainstorming group for help on the article. And…Read More

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  • We will be meeting again tomorrow morning. Everyone is welcome to join.

    Topic: Friday Brainstorming Meeting
    Time: Mar 10, 2023 10:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
    Every week on Fri, until Mar 31, 2023
    Mar 10, 2023 10:30
    Mar 17, 2023 10:30
    Mar 24, 2023 10:30
    Mar 31, 2023 10:30

    Join Zoom…Read More

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