• Feedback please on my bio for my website. Doing some clean up.
    Julianne Miller is an Accredited Financial Counselor who is qualified to help you overcome the stress of living paycheck to paycheck and get you on the path to reach your next goals. She has worked with both sole proprietors and women individually to help them overcome their…Read More

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    • I’d change it to first person. From “she” to “I”. First sentence – I am an Accredited Financial Counselor who helps women overcome … Make it stronger. Be bolder. What makes you different? Is there some reason you became a financial counselor?

      • Very helpful, thank you. I have been trying to lead with Daring lately but didn’t apply that here. I’ll rethink this some. I appreciate the feedback!

        • Daring is a good word. Keep it front and center.

        • You just prompted me to update my bio on my website. I’m taking all the reins off. Sharing it in case it inspires you.

          I have a box of letters. Old hand-written tear-stained letters written to a dear friend decades ago.

          Those letters take me back to a time when I was barely getting by. I wrote about:

          – Scoring 20 cent packages of ramen noodles…Read More

          • Wow, that’s much more involved than mine. I revamped AND sent it off but it’s still not so involved. I really need to rethink some more. Thank you for your help. Detail, that seems to be the key.

            • I’ve had more generic versions, and I’m just laying it all out there now. Whether it’s the best way to go remains to be seen. Do what feels right to you.

  • Who has used their 9 Word Emails? Come to class on Wed with something sent/posted so we can talk about the results and next steps. 🙂

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  • decided to create a “9 word email” as a social media post – let’s see if i get some love!!!!

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  • Hello everyone. It was suggested that I collect emails at an event where I’ll have a table . It was recommended that I use a QR code. So I went to https://www.qrcode-monkey.com/ and https://app.qr-code-generator.com/create/new/?accountActivated=1 which will let me create a QR code but then how do I use it to collect emails. This t…Read More

    • the qr code should take the person to your website ? or to a landing page? where they will fill out the form so you can collect their info – does that help??/

  • HI Everyone,

    I decided to try something different w/ my 9 word email.

    I thought I would use this format to test a possible opt-in gift and hopefully gain some feedback. The video/audio is really rough cut, but I think that’s okay. Feel free to give feedback.
    Re: Thank You FName
    Preview Text: A Gift & a Request

    Hi F…Read More

  • Does anyone have the chat from yesterday saved? I had created a Word doc w/ notes from the session, but for some damn reason it did not save. I’m going to listen again, and recreate. The chat would be helpful if someone has it. Thanx in advance. Joel

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  • Hi everyone – I wanted to drop some content ideas for a landing page for a 10 week course – Moving Motivated Women…
    Any ideas or direction are welcome – thank you!

    #1 what do you want them to buy into?
    I want them to buy into a 10 week course – a holistic movement based 10 week course

    2. Ask what is my audience frustrated…Read More

    • Great first draft! On the questions, the way to level up your messaging is to get away from the focus of “pain” and look at the future. So, for your questions, I have reworded them.
      “wouldn’t it be nice to feel secure, supported, pain free and confident in my body! “ – How does YOUR body feel when you are supported, pain free? Can you imagi…Read More

    • Lots of great material here. The “Moving” in the title is a bit ambiguous. “Moving” could be related to business, attitude, and personal life. Not sure about the alternative titles just yet. You could do something like “Motivated Women Moving Muscles” which would be more simple & direct. Might not fit if you have a bigger umbrella.

      • thanks @joel. It’s really about moving more than muscle – once you start aligning the body other parts start to shift too… this is mind body soul work… 🙂

        • Got it. And still “Moving” by itself feels too ambiguous. I’d love to see feedback on this from others. i know it’s way overdone, but to me, “Motivated Women Moving Mind & Body” feels better than leaving it so ambiguous. The other consideration that comes to mind, is that I imagine a Motivated Woman or person wanting clarity or some sense of the…Read More

  • To date, I haven’t had a strong message. And I haven’t succeeded in bringing people into my main offering (Gutsy Women Finances community). I feel like there’s a mismatch between the people who follow me (older women) and the people I need to reach (younger women).

    This summer, I created structure to my community, with a new theme each month.…Read More

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    • Great article! The only thing I’m not clear on is what’s the community? Is it a FB group, just folks who get your email or something else?

      • You’ve just given me an “aha” moment. My community is SO MUCH MORE than a FB group. No one’s ever asked me that before. I need to talk about what I mean by community. Thx!

    • I love building around a larger MOVEMENT. Can’t wait to work with you deeper to figure out the attraction of your ideal client. I know we will be making small tweaks in the weeks ahead. We can’t solve all the issues by reading and looking at what you have done in the past. I do think this one is going to come clearer as we talk and work with…Read More

  • Sharing Assignment #2 for me – identifying my target audience for my main offering – the Gutsy Women Finances community. Thoughts? Suggestions?

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