• Hi everyone – I wanted to drop some content ideas for a landing page for a 10 week course – Moving Motivated Women…
    Any ideas or direction are welcome – thank you!

    #1 what do you want them to buy into?
    I want them to buy into a 10 week course – a holistic movement based 10 week course

    2. Ask what is my audience frustrated…Read More

    • Great first draft! On the questions, the way to level up your messaging is to get away from the focus of “pain” and look at the future. So, for your questions, I have reworded them.
      “wouldn’t it be nice to feel secure, supported, pain free and confident in my body! “ – How does YOUR body feel when you are supported, pain free? Can you imagi…Read More

    • Lots of great material here. The “Moving” in the title is a bit ambiguous. “Moving” could be related to business, attitude, and personal life. Not sure about the alternative titles just yet. You could do something like “Motivated Women Moving Muscles” which would be more simple & direct. Might not fit if you have a bigger umbrella.

      • thanks @joel. It’s really about moving more than muscle – once you start aligning the body other parts start to shift too… this is mind body soul work… 🙂

        • Got it. And still “Moving” by itself feels too ambiguous. I’d love to see feedback on this from others. i know it’s way overdone, but to me, “Motivated Women Moving Mind & Body” feels better than leaving it so ambiguous. The other consideration that comes to mind, is that I imagine a Motivated Woman or person wanting clarity or some sense of the…Read More

  • To date, I haven’t had a strong message. And I haven’t succeeded in bringing people into my main offering (Gutsy Women Finances community). I feel like there’s a mismatch between the people who follow me (older women) and the people I need to reach (younger women).

    This summer, I created structure to my community, with a new theme each month.…Read More

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    • Great article! The only thing I’m not clear on is what’s the community? Is it a FB group, just folks who get your email or something else?

      • You’ve just given me an “aha” moment. My community is SO MUCH MORE than a FB group. No one’s ever asked me that before. I need to talk about what I mean by community. Thx!

    • I love building around a larger MOVEMENT. Can’t wait to work with you deeper to figure out the attraction of your ideal client. I know we will be making small tweaks in the weeks ahead. We can’t solve all the issues by reading and looking at what you have done in the past. I do think this one is going to come clearer as we talk and work with…Read More

  • Sharing Assignment #2 for me – identifying my target audience for my main offering – the Gutsy Women Finances community. Thoughts? Suggestions?

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  • I’m playing catch up. Here’s my purpose, vision, and mission. Feedback is most welcome.

  • Hello! I just joined and am introducing myself. I’m a Sociologist, Financial Coach, founder of the Gutsy Women Finances community, and full-time RVer. I travel the USA with my 3 cats. I’m looking forward to getting my messaging down so that it draws in my target audience. Glad to be here and looking forward to meeting you.

    Here’s my Linktree:…Read More

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  • Profile picture of Brenda Uekert

    Brenda Uekert changed their profile picture

  • I need a little help with some brainstorming please. My clients are often busy and distracted with everyday life that they don’t focus on what is most important to them or aren’t focused on their dreams and goals. I haven’t found a shorter marketing phrase that works for me. Any ideas?

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    • Hi Julianne. Remember that people buy with emotions. “focus on dreams/goals” isn’t gonna sell, or at least be painfully hard to sell. So, what do THEY WANT more than anything else?

      • Thank you let me mull this over and put some emotion to what they’re thinking and wanting when they come. I know they want calm, they want peace, they want someone to listen and “hear” them. They want direction, organization, professionalism, resources. Just brainstorming. I’ll reflect on some of this. Get out the juicy burger again 🙂

  • FEEDBACK WELCOME! I finally caught up on this week’s training and drafted my landing page for financial coaching for couples- I would love any and all thoughts you have about how I could make it better! ESPECIALLY the name of the program… could be more exciting/describe results. pdxmoneycoaching.com/3month-program-self-employed-couples

    If it’s…Read More

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    • Oh wow! I just landed on calm and confident for a three-week short program! Maybe we talked about it and it stayed with me?! I’m still tossing it around. But I don’t usually work with couples so different target lol

    • Hey Emily! So this is a really good start. And a landing page is much different than a sales page for a program – so I’d say you have about 2/3 of the stuff here needed. Do you have a transformation statement for this offer? We’d want to center the entire program around it! Also, I know you are thinking about the VIP Vacation – I think it would…Read More

      • Thanks Shannon! Since I stated my niche, I really listened in and decided to change it to just service-based business owners who weren’t taught how to be ‘good with money.’ I’m happy to help them and their partners, but when I started making my marketing plan for a niche focused on couples work, I just wasn’t as excited about it!

        I don’t even…Read More

    • Hi Emily, This is really good. 2 quick notes. How long is a session? I don’t think it said, but I could have missed it. The other thing was “-Confidently manage your money together so you can enjoy spending now, save more than ever before, fix your cash flow and feel financial peace of mind.” I don’t think the top item if I’m struggling would be…Read More

  • FaceBook Event:

    thank you!

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