Direct offer – first draft
I inserted some introductory, positioning copy in the first section. A challenge I’m wrestling with is that I’m more than a photographer; I’m a coach and consultant as well to get the results I get.Step 1: What is your direct offer? We want you to be selling NOW!
SELL: First Impression Basic Personal Brand Portfolio Package
Conventional business headshots are intended to be uniform. They don’t capture your uniqueness — that mischevious twinkle in your eye, that quirky smile. That joyous energy.
Book an expressive a First Impression Basic Personal Brand Portfolio Package to break out of the box and confidently create an authentic emotional connection — and make that first impression count. This package includes brand-essence coaching, photo session, and a starter portfolio of three signature images (each with its own use) that expresses key facets of you.
Step 2: Who is the perfect-fit for this offer?
Are you a coach, consultant or transformational leader committed to growing your online authority?
Do you desire to connect more deeply with your ideal clients?
Are you committed to being boldly visible in service of sharing your gifts with your right-fit clients?
Are you ready to get vulnerable and playful so you can claim your most unique, authentic, and joyful way of showing up in service?
Step 3: What are the three results your perfect-fit clients will get from working with you in this offer?
Result 1: Uncover, name, and live into your essence. This is your unique, authentic, most powerful and joyful way of showing up in service of others. You can think of your essence as the innermost core of you, fully expressed. And it’s the foundation of your “brand” as a transformational expert — and of creating professional images that express your uniqueness.
Result 2: A must-have, core portfolio of three stunning images that presence your unique authority, approachability, and humanity. These are the touchstone images for your website, social media, and collateral..
Result 3: CONFIDENCE. Create connection, build anticipation, and inspire action in your right-fit clients . . . before they ever meet you. Own your badassity.
@danbadassity-com – the clarity here is great for all section. I am getting hung up on the package title – which is quite long: First Impression Basic Personal Brand Portfolio Package . Titles matter a lot to selling things – think about it like this – what is the result of working with you? Can we rework this title package. For example, we have a workshop coming up: Magnetic Messaging Workshop. It’s short AND states the result.
Hi, Shannon! I’ve taken a swing at rewriting all my “packages” and giving them more concise names. The challenge is to make each package of services immediately graspable, but also that there’s a progression of fullness. Would you take a look? Thanks!
About Me

Dan Lewis
Photographer/ Personal Brand Consultant
Very compelling!