• Profile picture of Dan Lewis

    Dan Lewis

    1 year, 1 month ago

    #2 in a value messaging sequence I’m posting on Linked In. What I’m really trying to get across is the difference between a photo that evokes a sense of emotional connection and one that doesn’t. I want readers to feel, yeah, I want emotional connection in my photos!

    Seven jobs your personal brand images should be doing for you –

    #2 – Create an emotional connection

    You’ve got a professional headshot on your website, but Is it doing the multiple jobs it needs to do for your business?

    Job #2 for your personal brand photographs to is create an emotional connection with your potential client.

    Every client engagement is a budding relationship. And creating that relationship begins before you ever meet. When a potential client sees your image on your website you want them to feel drawn to you at an emotional level. Your image should spark that “You had me at hello” moment.

    Human beings are hard-wired to respond to others’ faces and exquisitely attuned to nuance of expression. Particularly eyes. Isn’t it amazing how we can make eye contact with a person across a crowded room and know that we connected? There’s a difference between seeing someone and making eye contact.

    That goes for your photos as well. One key way to create emotional connection with you is making literal eye contact in your photographs.

    Notice how your eye is drawn immediately to the direct eye contact in these two images.

    The first is Ann from a series of portraits I did on the theme of Grit. She’s not only looking at you. She’s making very direct eye contact with you, and there’s an almost confrontational quality to it. I can’t help but feel something toward her.

    The second image, of coach Beryl, also makes direct eye contact, but hers is softer, more welcoming. Again, there’s a feeling of connection with a person.

    Now contrast both of these photos with the unfocused, deer-in-the-headlights looks you see in many headshots. There’s a lack of presence and authentic engagement, and so no sense of connection.

    I’ll have more to say about the different kinds of emotional connection you can create with your personal brand photos in later posts.

    Are your personal brand images creating emotional connection that will draw new clients?

    Here’s a preview of what your personal brand images should be doing for you I’ll explore in upcoming posts:

    1. Capture attention amongst a sea of online faces
    2. Create an emotional connection to you
    3. Express your unique way of being present with your clients
    4. Establish your professional authority
    5. Radiate your approachability and empathy
    6. Build anticipation of new possibilities
    7. Inspire action to contact you

    Are you a coach, consultant or transformational leader committed to creating emotional connection with your potential clients?
    Schedule a complimentary inspiration session

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    • Hi Dan, I really like it. it is a very catchy post and made me think of my own headshots. Wow – got it, you ve nailed it ! Pitty I am so far away 😉

      A couple of things that came to my mind reading the post,
      I think the end is not as strong as the rest of the post and there are a bit too many things

      – I would sugget rewording that sentence :
      “I’ll have more to say about the different kinds of emotional connection you can create with your personal brand photos in later posts.”
      To something a bit more punchy like
      “follow to make sure you stay updated on the different kinds of emotional connection you can create”

      -And I think you may not need the list of jobs a headshot should do. It may be more appropriate to make it a post by itself, like at the end of the series for exemple, you make a recap with all the links.

      So you go straight to the CTA – and your CTA is clear.

      Have fun with the post !

About Me

Dan Lewis

Photographer/ Personal Brand Consultant
