posted Core Values to FB page with CTA to join email list or to join FB group2 Comments-
What a beautiful post! Love the graphic – and look at that engagement! https://www.facebook.com/danielaborgialli/posts/pfbid07iCbCd9aBgYKHf6EECH9jEe7tRLcME5QKcuLvRy2cdK7aJRDkTVsyFjTjmeiDWBgl
I LOVE my new Core Values!!!! Thank you @susanlazar @kpetersdomingoinformatics-ca @joel
I believe that a successful tango academy grows dancers & supports learners on their journey of discovery, movement, and connection.Education
I believe we all have the capacity to move with joy, sensuality, and have fun doing…Read More-
Gorgeous! Maybe consider putting Expansion last in the list or changing “grows” to “nurtures.” (Sounds a little like you’re expanding your academy otherwise–but doesn’t have the same connotation at the end of your inspiring list.) Great work–pithy and energetic!
Thank you @ruthviolincox-net! helpful – and I am expanding and aiming to grow… I like nurtures too…
thank you @kpetersdomingoinformatics-ca i’ll be there..
Where have you shared your Core Value Statements? Please, post here on the wall the link to your website, social media, newsletter, blog, presentation, video – wherever you have used these. I want to share everyone who posts a link on the wall on my personal social media pages. If you don’t post it here on the wall, I can’t share it ❤️
Would love your brilliance with some assistance with Core Values statements – these for the International Argentine Tango academy. Are they repetitive? Are they in the right direction?? Thoughts and feedback please!
Cultural expansionWe believe that a successful tango academy supports a community and its…Read More
This is great as is and you can run with it. If you want to take it a level deeper – what else can you say besides “classes, workshops, retreats”. What are 3 steps (that are an experience and can tap into emotion and the results ) that people will go through instead of “classes, workshops, retreats” for your second line about bodies can learn.
@amymshannonhernandez-com thank you – are there examples of what you mean “3 steps”? Are you saying that I state that we believe in these 3 steps? or words like transformation, growth, discovery, connection?
Because ultimately they want to learn to dance… right? will people wonder if they will??? lol!!!!
This is terrific.
I would move “We believe in creating dancers not just students.” Maybe as the 2nd statement. It is simple, beautiful & clear.
The learning statement I think can be written in slightly 2 different versions.
1. – We believe that all bodies can learn argentine tango. Classes, workshops, retreats, and cultural immersions all ser…Read More-
These are great Suggestions @joel. I like the 1st one best and I wonder about using the word “wonderful” – it feels a little empty…. does it?
I would change the second one: We believe that all bodies can learn argentine tango for practice, growth, improvement and self-expression.
this is so concise – i love it a lot = thank you…. @kpetersdomingoinformatics-ca
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Yay, I used that idea of interoducing I believ in my live today, then introduced myself