• This is MY Juicy Burger Offer- Any and all feedback welcomed.
    Grief Completion Circle- 8 weeks

    3 Qualifiers
1. Absolute Confidentiality
2. Commitment to honest communication
3. Open to trust the process

    Offer Details-
1. 8 weeks online zoom
2. $750 for 8-90 minute zooms
3. 4-6 PM x8

    1. What do they want?
improved relationships…Read More

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    • Looks good! A couple of thoughts: For your perceived roadblocks, I’m not sure what you mean by “time heals all pain” – is it that they think they need to endure for a period of time before they will begin to feel better? Also, for your 3 septs – Completing the pain of your relationship…. doesn’t make sense to me. And #8 – I think it needs…Read More

      • Thank you Sara- I believe I changed these in the video- as i continued to work on it and integrate everything. I’ll be sure to look.

  • Qualifying questions

    Updated my Contact page with more specific qualifying questions.


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  • I’ve already put these questions into my Calendly link. At the moment, I’m totally experimenting, and I anticipating changing them. I already considering using some of Ann B’s questions instead of mine. And while I’ve asked the financial question @Q10, I haven’t tied a number to it yet.

    Q2: What are the most important changes you want to make i…Read More

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    • Not sure how I would answer this question: : What is the State or Feeling that would make your problem impossible to have?
      Q10, you have to give a price for this question. Is it $200 a month or a session? I wouldn’t be able to answer if there is not a dollar figure tied to it.

      • Thanks, Amy! I know Q3 “make your problem impossible to have” can be a headscratcher. It is designed to throw people a little bit outside their box, and might be better as a question asked during a Zoom call. I’m just testing it here. Thanks, again!

        • Q3 is so much better than what we looked at last Wednesday!

        • Great progress, Joel. I got some feedback myself last week that led me to eliminate a question. It was basically Are you willing to get vulnerable and playful in service of showing up as your most confident self . . . The feedback made me realize I was moving too fast, trying to move people along before I had established trust.

    • Q3 would you consider asking if (said problem) was not present what would you imagine you would experience?

  • Sales Qualifier Questions

    I’d love to have your lens and feedback on these questions! Thank you!
    [from DM]
    Thanks so much for reaching out. I’d love to hear – what’s been resonating for you that prompted you to reach out?

    I’ve got just a few questions to ask so I get to know a bit more “behind the scenes”…Read More

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  • Hi everyone!
    Just getting started here in the Forum. Very happy to be a part of this community.

    For those interested here’s a little of my path… and what I offer.

    My CP Type: Live/In person; Enneagram 1 with a 2 wing; Projector 6/2, with mental authority;
    I consider myself to be quite introverted- but can definitely pull off an extroverted…Read More

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Business Growth Strategist + Joy Advocate



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Blair Hope