Sales Qualifier Questions
I revised my sales qualifier questions on the Packages page of my website: https://www.badassity.com/packages
The qualifier questions are in the form of statements in a section entitled Who’s This For? for each of my packages.
Feedback requested: Are the differentiations of the packages clear? Each successive package should be a clear stage in the maturity of ones coaching business.
Hi Dan, I like your packages, and the “who is it for” is very clear. That made me think about mine, as I have these sections on my offers and packages. But, Reality check : I don’t think people read them (if they even reach that place of the offer description page !)
So I would suggest that you have a form (or maybe it is included in your sales call ?) to go through them, so that you have the time and place to identify your client’s needs and if you are a match….
About Me

Dan Lewis
Photographer/ Personal Brand Consultant
Very clear to me. One thing that might need to be explained is “on-location session”. This could be read as on your location or on a location of my choice.