• Profile picture of Dan Lewis

    Dan Lewis

    5 months, 2 weeks ago

    4-email nurture sequence
    Here’s the first two emails. Will finish the other two by our meeting on Wednesday!

    Email 1 Template: Lead Magnet + Quick Intro
    Subject Lines:

    FNAME, here is your resource, Visual Charisma for Coaches.
    Preview: [visual Charisma]
    Note: Send immediately upon resource opt-in

    Hello there, FNAME!
    Welcome to the wonderful world of showing up boldly and authentically in all your irresistable uniqueness..
    I can’t wait to learn more about you, your mission, and your future next-level impact and iinfluence.
    But first– I’m so happy you found Visual Charisma for Coaches and Leaders]. Let’s put it to good use.
    👉 [Click here to download Visual Charisma for Coaches and Leaders].
    Oh, by the way. I’m Dan Lewis.
    And if you only know one thing about me right now, it’s this: I believe every human being is unique gift longing for full expression – and that includes you!
    My BIG mission is to help leaders, coaches, consultants, executives and authors, crystalize their uniqueness and share their gifts with the world.

    No one is you-er than you. Be more you.,

    Dan Lewis

    P.S. I love hearing from my email community. Hit reply please and answer this question: What’s the most meaningful compliment you’ve ever received? How did it touch you?

    Email 2 Template: best content
    Subject Lines:
    My best content for you–right now
    Best content to help you now.

    Preview: [Visual Charisma]
    Note: Send two hours after email 1 is delivered
    Hello FNAME –

    We’re new to each other and while I’m not sure the exact way we’ve connected, I want to put my best foot forward.

    So if you just grabbed your Visual Charisma for Coaches and Leaders, without checking out anything else, here is some of my best content I wanted to get into your hands:

    The Indispensable Ingredient of Your Headshot – https://www.badassity.com/blog/the-indispensable-ingredient-of-your-headshot
    What’s the ingredient that makes a compelling headshot connect with your potential client?
    A Coac’s Home Page that Works – https://www.badassity.com/blog/a-coachs-home-page-that-works
    A brief review of a coach’s home page with a clear and engaging message.
    Four Pro Tips to Authentically Shine in Your Photo Session
    Take your photo session from awkward to awesome with this mindset shifts!

    That’s it for now. Thanks for letting me drop into your inbox today.
    I know it’s a special place–and I don’t take it for granted.
    No one is you-er than you. Be more you.
    Dan Lewis

    P.S. Were you able to dive into Visual Charisma for Coaches and Leaders yet? Hit reply and let me know. I can’t wait to hear from you.

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    • Yay! I love these. And I really love this messaging: “There is no one you-er than you.” The subject line for email 1 is too long. REmember, about 5 words max. Otherwise these are great (do need to proofread again). And I LOVE the content you included!

    • I like the personalization of your subject line, but would rather see the full name of the resources as my preview text.

About Me

Dan Lewis

Photographer/ Personal Brand Consultant
