• Okay, I’ve created a proof of concept for my monthly “newsletter”. I’m open to any and all feedback – particularly on how I’m framing the intent in the introductory section. This issue is a little fat, to give a sense of the kind of articles I’m imagining. Let me know what you think! Any kinds of content you’d like to…Read More

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    • @danlewis, Wow!! I love this!! I love how you share with the reader glimpses into your expertise- contrast, choosing stone to reflect being solid and grounded; the softening of the tangled vines. Love the topics too.

    • This is really good. Next level feed back here-
      Client Story:
      Executive Coach Roxanne Hori

      NO ONE CARES about a Client Story. You have to give me an attactive headline to get people to read your client stories. What woud you stay to stop my scroll?

      • People skim. Use bold and different size text so I see what you NEED me to see.

        • There are no clicks. You are going to have no list to follow up with. Tease your articles and have them click to read more.

          • Thanks for the feedback, Amy! I’m unclear on the last point. You’re saying the email should just have teaser copy with a link to read the full article on my website?

  • Value messaging here. Looking to educate my potential clients to raise their standards around their personal brand images. I’m imagining a series of seven posts. I want readers to walk away asking, does my brand image attract attention?

    Seven jobs your personal brand images should be doing for you – #1 Capture Attention

    Coaches,…Read More

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    • Hey Dan. Love this post… had me thinking about my own headshot!! 😂 A couple of things… This line: This guy has something going on I may want to connect with. I’d love to see this changed to “…i want to connect with. This line had me stop wondering if this was part of the post or a commentary for our group… “A note on social media profile…Read More

    • delete: This guy has something going on I may want to connect with.

    • you are cramming too much. Focus on Matt.

      Use this as a brand new post (Or better yet, GO LIVE and talk through this!):
      A note on social media profile pics
      I just did a search for business coaches on Linked In. I get a screen with face after face in the the standard 400 x 400 circle (but actually sized smaller on search results pages.) Most…Read More

    • I was particularly caught by this line: “But is it doing all it could to promote your business and attract right-fit clients?” I never think of photos in this context and my ears perked up a little at the thought – it sounds like some low hanging fruit or value being left on the table.

  • Second, shorter draft of Direct Sales with Testimonial. Does it flow? does the idea of a hybrid brand coaching/program throw anyone?

    Website not delivering? You’ve spent hundreds (or thousands!) of dollars and countless hours developing your business website. You hired a marketing consultant to help you with SEO, social media, and design. You…Read More

    • intro is still too wide and goes down too many rabbit holes.

      • Website not delivering? You’ve spent hundreds (or thousands!) of dollars and countless hours developing your business website. You hired a marketing consultant to help you with SEO, social media, and design. {this has no relationship to the website} You hired a photographer to take a professional headshot. {a different post/topic on it’s own} Y…Read More

    • For the quote – remove “He is an artist”. The rest of the quote flows very well with the rest of the text

  • First draft of direct sales with testimonial. I think it’s all here. Needs sharpening and honing. Feedback appreciated!


    Is this you? You’ve spent hundreds (or thousands!) of dollars and countless hours developing your business website. You may have hired a marketing consultant to help you with SEO, social media, and your website. You…Read More

    • Other than what we discussed in the breakout. This feels really long and duplicating. I got lost in all the information, can you offer the hook, the the problem and offer with less?

      • Thanks, Tracy! It DOES feel long. I tend to write long and then pare things down.

        • Yes, I also agree that it feels long. I also think there should be some sort of transition between these two lines. It feels disconnected to me.
          That’s a tall order! And that’s why a conventional approach to gen…Read More

  • A client story post – where the client is me! A post for Linked In and Facebook.

    The photographer steps in front of the camera
    I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly evolving – usually on several fronts at once! So I work to update my brand images once a year to keep up with the most current me. Matt, a recent client who’s a talented…Read More

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    • Hi Dan, I love your story. I was wondering at the beginning how you d use the stepping in front of the camera, and I love, and resonate with what you describe, bringing in your essence, your unique style, your ever evolving, and taking us through your experience 🙂 pitty I am so far away !

    • Dan – great start. I think I would love to see a more personalized CTA here that positions your unique approach. Something maybe like this: Are you a coach, consultant or transformational leader committed to being boldly visible in service of sharing your gifts with your right-fit clients? Would you like to share the full essence of who you are in…Read More

    • Very engaging and then your invitation to action dropped off. As usual Shannons is on point to complete your captivating beginning.

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About Me

Dan Lewis

Photographer/ Personal Brand Consultant
