Do you want to create deeper connections while travelling to Germany, Austria or Switzerland?
Even if you only have basic German skills, these will open lots of doors because the German speakers you meet will be impressed with your efforts to communicate with them in their language and will go the extra mile for you.
Are you looking for an…Read More
This is great Kerstin. For #2 could you maybe mention that they may just make some new friends too? It seems to me like the service you offer is a great way to help people connect with people in those countries on a deeper level.
I think these are great reasons to take your course!
I would just change the first paragraph a little to “Even basic German skills will open lots of doors…”
Maybe you could make the points non questions. So, they should take your course so they can: Create deeper connections while traveling, Immerse yourself in the culture to get a truly…Read More
When your business has evolved and now it is time for your website to evolve too, here are my three Quick Expert Tips for you to consider!
1. What do you want your website to do for you?
What’s the main thing you want your website to accomplish for you? Do you want to attract new customers, sell your awesome products or services, or maybe…Read More-
When your business has evolved and now it is time for your website to evolve too, here are my three Quick Expert Tips (turning from pain marketing to kind marketing. I bet they feel like crap because there website isn’t up to date, so give them the positive of it ❤️)
I’ve got all three of my tips scheduled on Linkedin for this week! I’m also going to set up an email newsletter and schedule them on FB (next week) as well.
For the social media posts, I took a hint from the CPC vault and created some post-it note images instead of creating something in canva or photoshop. I am trying to stretch my drawing…Read More
Thank you to all for the very valuable feedback. Here is my revised post
I believe that we all could use more time to connect with ourselves. To be able to slow down, disconnect from the world, and tap into our heart’s desires.
Introducing my newest service! An hour and a half of energy work infused with hair and scalp treatments i…Read More
My 3 step process….
Group Breath Sessions are back!
‘Breath is the voice of your soul’
The next group breath session will be taking place on Sunday, February 19th 2-4:30 pm.
During a group breath experience you’ll FOCUS on your intension – what would you like to release or invite into yur life?
You’ll then be guided to SURREND…Read More -
Not sure if this makes sense?
February 2023: 3 Step Expert Process
1:1 Sessions
A: Supporting divorced women to transform negative emotions
B: Feel more heart centered so positive outcomes can be created3 Step Expert Process
1. Sit in a chair and relax for an hour. There is no physical touch involved.
2. Your heart is opened…Read More-
Help me understand these phrases: “selected procedures are weaved into the body” “A Lightbody essence is made for you to take home”
Would selected procedures are energetically worked into the body? The lightbody essence is something similar to flower essences that people physically take. I could remove that part.
Almost! Can you tell me more about the selected procedures? And as to the open heart, is it open from relaxing in the chair or does that really happen in Step 2? All this passive voice is calming, but tricky to pin down. I actually love the idea of an essence to take home or take at home. Is Lightbody a brand name? Would it be inaccurate to call…Read More
There are about 40 procedures and they are different. The heart gets opened with a procedure in the beginning so you can be receptive to the healing. The essences are made with crystal vibrations that are picked for each person out of a kit of 77 different ones. Lightbody is not a brand name but is referring to our lightbody (which is an…Read More
That’s fine–we’re all so close to our own work, it’s helpful to have someone who knows nothing to bounce things off. My take (do with these what you want–you probably won’t use these words but it may inspire the right words): 2. Your heart is made receptive to the healing process and [specially selected?] procedures such as (choose two examples)…Read More
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About Me
Ruth Roland
Director, Baton Rouge Conservatory
JulianneMiller, AFC®
Very compelling!