Here is a version of my article attempting to incorporate my 3-part process. Might be a little long.
“How’s Your Wabi-Sabi?”
In Japan, wabi-sabi is the philosophy of embracing that which is flawed and imperfect. While this often was applied to craft, we could easily apply it to ourselves, our life, and those around us. Many modern & ancie…Read More
Thanks Amy! With that encouragement, no pokey fence for me, today. Just published to LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/posts/joel-elfman-bodymind-hypnotic_wabisabi-hypnosis-embraceyourflaws-activity-7028480810450067456-snpk? LOL!!!
Transformation: Go from a Debt Worrier to A Debt Warrior3 Step process
Discover: Identify your deepest desires that will transform your relationship with money, so that you can create financial freedom for yourself.
Organize: Build a solid foundation, so that you can FREE up money each month while letting go of feelings of…Read More
This is my ‘I believe’ post, introducing my new hair service called the OH MY GODDESS.
Feedback for spelling, grammar and if this is clear or confusing please. Thank you.!NEW SERVICE ALERT!
I believe that we all could use more time to connect with ourselves. To be able to slow down, disconnect from the world, and tap in to our truest…Read More
Fuck. I accidently delete @ruthviolincox-net comment – when I was trying to say BRAVO on that feedback. DAMN. Ruth, sorry, do you remember what you wrote? It was spot on!
Hi Aimee, this is an attempted reconstruction of a previous post. If you already read that one see which of them you like more. The first paragraph is FIRE! The second one starts slow. Instead, how about: “The OH MY GODDESS experience is energy work fused with hair and scalp treatment services. Energy modalities such as Reiki, breathwork, and…Read More
crap my comments just disappeared !!!
I love this! and would love to experience the service!!!I have a similar suggestion to RuthRoland. Here is my suggestion:
The second sentence.
Infusing (my gifts of) energy work with my hair and scalp treatment services it’s called the OH MY GODDESS Experience.(like leading into excitement!)
And in the…Read More
WOW! LOVE seeing all the posts and links shared below with your Core Values! Keep them coming (and keep supporting each other)
KerstinPeters is with Susanlazar hart and 2 others
Here are my improved core values. Thank you Daniela, Susan and Joel.
Creativity: I believe everyone is imaginative. Creative expression provides a powerful bridge when language barriers arise.
Community: I believe teamwork provides support and inspiration. Participation becomes fun and encourages accountability.
Connection: I believe bu…Read More
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About Me
Ruth Roland
Director, Baton Rouge Conservatory
JulianneMiller, AFC®
Great use of your 3 step process and tying this together.