KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman and DonnaDube
Hi everyone! Do you want to get together on Friday to finish our task for next Wednesday? Last month, I met with Joel and Susan, and it was a fantastic collaboration. Here is the link for the Friday Zoom meeting:
Topic: My Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Members
Time: Dec 9, 2022 10:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom…Read More
Hello Susan, if we decide to have a second meeting, I will let you know. Would you be available Monday afternoon?
I can’t be on both calls today so I’ll be on the Quarterly session instead of this one. Your feedback is appreciated for my outcome/results oriented messaging (I’m not sure how to create a good call to action with this:
Did you know that by being coached through your financial stress you can experience:
Relief from the shame of exposing your…Read More -
Who has put their content out into the World so we can review it all tomorrow and have a brainstorming session on next leveling your content??
KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman and TinaJones
Who is available and interested in meeting this Friday, November 11, either at 10:30 AM or 11 AM ET to get support with their draft for this month’s message? I will set up a Zoom meeting.
Kerstin Peters is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Please join us. We will work on the November message.
Topic: My Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Members
Time: Nov 11, 2022 11:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87071997774?pwd=Uk51WXF5bFBDL1YrVGttNTVHMXhZZz09Meeting ID: 870 7199…Read More
Feedback please on my bio for my website. Doing some clean up.
Julianne Miller is an Accredited Financial Counselor who is qualified to help you overcome the stress of living paycheck to paycheck and get you on the path to reach your next goals. She has worked with both sole proprietors and women individually to help them overcome their…Read More-
I’d change it to first person. From “she” to “I”. First sentence – I am an Accredited Financial Counselor who helps women overcome … Make it stronger. Be bolder. What makes you different? Is there some reason you became a financial counselor?
Very helpful, thank you. I have been trying to lead with Daring lately but didn’t apply that here. I’ll rethink this some. I appreciate the feedback!
You just prompted me to update my bio on my website. I’m taking all the reins off. Sharing it in case it inspires you.
I have a box of letters. Old hand-written tear-stained letters written to a dear friend decades ago.
Those letters take me back to a time when I was barely getting by. I wrote about:
– Scoring 20 cent packages of ramen noodles…Read More
Wow, that’s much more involved than mine. I revamped AND sent it off but it’s still not so involved. I really need to rethink some more. Thank you for your help. Detail, that seems to be the key.
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About Me
Ruth Roland
Director, Baton Rouge Conservatory
JulianneMiller, AFC®
so sorry Kerstin, I am traveling, I can met Saturday, MOnday or Tuesday depending on the time