• Profile picture of ChristineDainard

    ChristineDainard changed their profile picture

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  • Hello, new joyful friends!

    I’ve been looking for a group that can help me do the right things in the right way, plus being joyful and real, and CPC seems to cover it all. I’m looking forward to being helped and do my best to help others.

    I’ve been operating in the management consulting, coaching, and community-building space for many years…Read More

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  • I sent out my email from this month’s content theme and have a 72% open rate but only 2% click rate. My content personality is video but I wonder if my email list wants to watch video?? I did a 1 min video intro and then had all the content written. I’d love feedback/thoughts if anyone has time. Here is the link:…Read More

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    • Hi Blair,
      I loved the content of your email. It was very to the point and informative. What I was missing was being told to click on your video. If this is the first video you have sent out to your audience they may not know or be used to clicking on it for a quick message. Something along the lines of “click here to see why there are no bad…Read More

  • Hey Video Content friends – has anyone played with Bonjoro, Video Ask, or Dubb as a way of connecting with prospects? I want to, and curious for any experience or suggestions you have for getting started.

    I’m tech savvy, so no worries on that score. I watched a few YouTube videos but they’re very ‘how-to’ oriented and I’m looking for more…Read More

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  • LTC:
    Title: Leadership Expedition Assessment
    Subtitle: Leadership is a journey, are you ready for it?

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    • I don’t know what expedition means until the second sentence. It was confusing to me. Leadership feels like a broad category. I cannot immediately tell if I fit into who you are looking for. Asking me if I’m ready for it brings up feelings of doubt and uncertainty, not hope or trust, or possibility. (Again, maybe I’m not the right person!) What is…Read More

  • LCT Homework – version 2+
    welcome letter:

    At Noetic Innovations, our programs provide tools and processes for leaders to be prepared for the changing future and to create high functioning teams in that environment.

    This means the leadership tools and insights shared with you in the Escape Velocity Leadership Program can help you…Read More

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    • Hi Thia, your content is good, but I can’t tell who your LCT is for. I don’t think it’s for me, but I’m not sure. I also got a bit confused when you said “employer brand differentiator,” I have no idea what that means but maybe your target audience will.

      I also felt confused with ” because we are not a workout once and say you are fit type of…Read More

  • LCT Welcome Letter Draft 2.

    Hello there!

    At the Wulfden, we strive to bring kindness and acceptance to every aspect of our business and community. We want to see everyone thrive, so we prioritize giving back through our sphere of influence and are here to support you to do the same. When we work with our clients to simplify their workflows…Read More

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    • Hey Carrie, for some reason the order still feels off to me and it didn’t feel like there was any urgency. Lots of business owners will deprioritize systems until their hair is on fire (IKYK)… so connecting the outcome they want with the work you do and why putting it off is a poor choice feels important.

      I pulled the in structure from what…Read More

      • I LOVE the rearranging that you did, it is super helpful. I sometimes struggle with the words and tend to go into the weeds. I appreciate your insight!

  • Profile picture of Sam Brabender

    Sam Brabender changed their profile picture

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  • Struggling a bit with the LCT Welcome Letter. I am not keen on the phrase “checklist assessment,” but I am unsure what else to call it. Here is what I have so far:

    Hello there!
    I’m so happy you found From Tangled Tech to Smooth Systems: Your playbook for evaluating how your software and workflows align with expansion and growth. Let’s dis…Read More

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    • I like it Carrie. The only thing I would add is… “I hope to speak with you soon!” doesn’t sound like an invitation. (in sales we have to ASK for the order). What’s the next step or action you want them to take after this?

    • Hey Carrie, I feel like the connection between your values and the purpose of the resource could be stronger. It took me a few reads to get what you were going for, and I still feel like I’m reading between the lines.

      Specifically, I wouldn’t repeat the title in the first sentence. I would use the brass tacks description you have at the end but…Read More

  • Profile picture of Whitney Doherty

    Whitney Doherty changed their profile picture

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