• Here’s my first draft — entitled: The CEO who cleaned toilets

    There once was a business owner who thought she was a CEO.

    She owned a retail store where she did everything…

    from bookkeeping, purchasing, selling, making displays, hiring, firing –She even cleaned the toilets!! She was exhausted trying to do everything herself even tho…Read More

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    • I think this is mostly there overall – I just want to ask – (because I am learning) is the ‘thought reversal’ clear enough? You USED to be the CEO and then needed to focus on your daughter and to your SURPRISE – the business grew – but WHY & HOW – I “think” needs to be addressed – so people can understand how you can help them.

    • what is WLPM? I think you need to just say it – work less, profit more because you are diving into another acronym with GROW.

    • Can you tie this back to toilets? After all, you started your business for freedom, even if you are not the one currently cleaning the toilets like I was! Let’s partner together and build your self-running business engine.

    • such an impactful story

  • Draft of my first email. I am wondering if I should include photos of an aggressive dog, a cat and a horse, and I would like to find a great closing or ending. Feedback appreciated!…Read More

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    • I like the parallels you draw from kids acting out and our pets acting out. I can feel you passion for help those pet parents. As for your questions about pictures, do you have any before and after pictures? Or a picture of a “helped” pet? I might even include a before and after story of a pet and parent that you helped. That might actually work…Read More

    • Love this copy and it is so relatable to readers (even those of us who don’t have children). It just makes sense. Well done!

    • Hi there – thought I would offer some insights that my sister (a 35+ year veterinarian) used to say about pets & kids….. If the kids walked thru the door and were ill mannered i.e. running all over the place, touching everything — then the pets would act similarly! And of course, vice versa was true — if the kids came into the clinic and were…Read More

  • How my life experience uniquely positions me

    Send To: Full List
    Subject Line: How Autism Taught Me to Serve You Better (85% on Monster Insights)
    Preview Text: Lessons learned from my autism parenting journey

    Normal is a setting on my dishwasher; Autism is not.

    My daughter was 2 years old when we got the diagnosis of Autism. At that…Read More

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    • Your passion and deterination to figure out how to help your daughter definitely translates into your passion for helping your clients, and your interest in getting to know them and their needs so you can best support them too. I loved these lines: I understand your frustration if your programs are all over the…Read More

    • I love this – SO relatable! Great job on the content and drawing the parallels. Well done. I know your subject line scored high, but it’s best to have 3-5 words max in subject and preview lines. Might want to reconsider that?

  • How my background makes me different from other photographers.

    From paralysis to play

    I don’t know about you ,but I can be an over-thinker.

    Several years ago I took improvisational comedy classes at Second City here in Chicago, the launchpad of such actors as John Belushi, Alan Alda, Steve Carrell, Amy…Read More

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    • Hey Dan! I like this story, and I can see how it ties directly into the work you do now. For me, it feels like the story from the past takes up more of your email than how it relates to what you do now. Is there a way you can shorten the past story and lengthen how it ties into your current process?

    • I agree with Carrie’s comment above. I do love how you relate your improv experience to what you do now with photography. It sounds like you do the thinking and set the stage, creating a safe space and a great environment, and all your client has to do is show up and play and be themselves? That sounds SO freeing!…Read More

    • Thanks, Carrie and Blair! I slept on it, and decided the focus of the piece was off. Here’s my rewrite.

      • Ever get self-conscious in front of the camera?

        If you’re a coach, consultant, entrepreneur, or transformational leader you know you need compelling brand photos to presence yourself online. But step in front of the camera and . . . CLUNK. You feel awkward, stiff, self-conscious, adrift. And, yeah, the images often reflect your discomfort.

        I…Read More

  • Hey friends!! Does anyone know if there is a welcoming series template in CPC? Im getting stuck trying to craft mine.. Or if anyone has one they love I’d be thrilled to take a peek. Thanks, all

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    1 Comment
    • You can sign up for things in Joyful Business revolution and then you get a sequence = there are a few and it will give you a sense in how to craft – or sign up for a copywriter you like and see what they do – or someone in a similar field as yourself and see theirs. That’s how I am thinking about it – will be doing myself soon

  • If anyone new (or old) wants to brainstorm after Content Club – let me know. Sometimes it would be helpful for me to discuss with others AFTER the session to get the ideas down from the lesson. I have to run this week but perhaps we could set something up going forward – if there is interest….

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  • Hi 👋🏻 Everyone! I just joined last week and…

    My brain:
    “Wait… that was last week right? Are you sure? Ooh boy you have lost all sense of time! You should tell them that because TIme Matters.”

    Also my brain:
    “No, you shouldn’t, because it is Irrelevent. How about stick to the topic of introducing yourself?” 🙄

    Me, now:
    Outing my…Read More

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  • Profile picture of MariaHernandez

    MariaHernandez is feeling Excited

    Hi y’all! I’m really excited to chat with y’all during today’s Email Marketing Tech Q&A session! It’s great to take part in the club as a participant and presenter, and I’m so happy to share space with you!

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    • Hi Maria, So sorry I missed your session this morning (my time). My new stove was delivered 2 hours early, right at the time of your session.
      I have a question on CRM’s. I am on Mighty Networks, and they integrate with ConvertKit, otherwise I have to export my list to manage it. Do you have experience with ConvertKit? Is it a good way to…Read More

      • Heyyyy I’m so sorry I missed a bunch of messages from this place! ConvertKit is great, imho. GoDaddy and WordPress are vastly different. GoDaddy is a domain name broker AND an economy web host, meaning – their initial business was for getting domain names, but they later started selling basic web hosting. WordPress is a CMS, a content management…Read More

    • @mariaaskmaria-tech I’m so sorry I missed this Maria!! I’m looking forward to the next one!

    • Hey there! Just stoppin by to share the love

  • Profile picture of MariaHernandez

    MariaHernandez changed their profile picture

  • Hi,
    I created a couple of info-graphics. I one feel good about (not great but ok), the other I am a bit iffy on. Using for landing page and social media posting.

    Any input would be wonderful.

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