• Hi everyone, great to join my first call yesterday. I’m starting to think about my email marketing approach and have a couple of things I wanted to ask. 1) Has anyone got a fabulous onboarding email nurture campaign or a template they would be willing to share? I’m looking for inspo! 2) Has anyone in the group moved people from a Linked…Read More

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    • Hi Anthea! I am not sure if we are able to shift followers from our LI newsletter to one sent from our own CRM. I suppose you could do an email scrape and manually pull their emails from LI, but adding them to your own CRM without them opting in is a bit sketchy since they didn’t agree to be added to your list. BUT you could add a link to optin to…Read More

    • LI not my fav. sorry. As for a welcome series Im happy to share mine BUT its very tailored to me and my voice.. interested?

    • @antheadreamteamconsulting-ca – hi! Lead people from your LI NL to your email list with an optin, workshop, lead magnet, etc. Let them help each other!

  • Profile picture of ThiaPierson

    ThiaPierson changed their profile picture

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  • I feel like I’ve been drinking from a fire hose. I am launching my practice/programs – this week!! The site is live and I am working on my first marketing. I have learned so much from Amy and Shannon!
    This is my home work from last week. I will take it and tweak it into a social media post.
    I would love your input, feedback and…Read More

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    • First, I LOVE your sign-off! After reading your email, I’m still not sure what you do/are offering. What type of coaching is this? I would want to assume life coaching, but you know what assuming can lead to (ass/u/me). You state that you founded your business to be a resource, but that feels vague to me. Format-wise, it looks good, but I would…Read More

    • WHOA. Effervescently….LOVE I’m a bit confused. partly b/c I have the attention span of an ant. I felt for me it was too much. Hope this is helpful. xo

    • @thia-h-piersongmail-com – great suggestions above. I agree that I’m not clear on what the offer is. So spend some time spelling that out step by step for yourself – so you can talk about it with authority and specificity. Also, please remember to make your text blocks “less dense”. People are reading emails from phones – and therefore (to my…Read More

  • Hi all, here is my content on what I do differently . I aim to send it as a newsletter to start with .
    How to find (and use) your inner power ?

    Dear all,

    Isn’t it time to find and use your very own inner power, your unique way through life ?

    not what you have been taught, not what you believe, not what you have been told to u…Read More

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  • Have a great couple of weeks and I will be back for week 3. Don’t forget to go to the calendar to get the codes to register for the newsletter workshop March 20 and Lead Magnet workshop in April for free. ❤️

    Remember if you post content on the wall, go to the two below your post and read. Ask curious questions if you don’t feel clear when…Read More

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  • Is there a way of accessing the handout/template you referred to today in the call?

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  • Great news CPC clients! Maria, will be hosting a live Email Tech Q&A the last Wednesday of each month from 12-1p ET. This will be your live tech call with our resident tech expert. Yay! She will not be participating on this wall – and her sessions will not be recorded. So plan on attending live when you have a pressing tech question and/or just…Read More

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  • #guidance #input I have written my turning point after following the video @amymshannonhernandez-com suggested. Here is the email/post Iplan on sharing. I’d love feedback, please. Knowledge is power

    Once you know you know

    I had been offering professional intuitive (aka psychic) and mediumship readings for 16 years and was sick and tired…Read More

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    • I love this email! I have a self-admitted short attention span when it comes to reading long emails, but this one kept me captivated. I WANTED to read it to the end. Well done!

    • This is great written. Roll with it in an email. Will you record it as a video as well?

    • Really enjoyed reading this. Loved the honesty which builds trust for me.

  • I thought I saved the codes to get access to the upcoming classes on lead magnets but I can find it . Can someone please share the link to register and code? Thanks

    1 Comment
  • I appreciate your thoughts and feedback!

    Topic: Mistakes My Clients Make
    Hook for the Social Post:
    What would you do with an extra $5k? I trimmed $5,000 in tech waste for a client who didn’t even realize they were losing money. There were so many subscriptions and programs this client was paying for and not using!

    Title: 5 Ways Your Tech i…Read More

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    • @vdrake123gmail-com, would love for you to read and provide any questions you have after reading this for Carrie. When you make a post, make sure you go down and read the two posts below yours. Look for points that you get lost or confused and asked questions ❤️

    • Small visual tweaks – add numbers next to the 5

    • Increased Training and Support Costs: and Scalability Issues: and Increased IT and Maintenance Costs: doesn’t end with a statement of what will the be the result when this is fixed. The other two do, which will make them work well as stand alone posts

    • what is the result from investing in your business’s future? at the end, Close that gap to the opening of the piece.

    • My first thought was is this for me?? Concrete examples may be impossible but my mind instantly needs tangible. Like I thought of my scheduling platform “talking” to my convertkit.. is that what this is speaking to?? Great job!!

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