• First draft of Bold Qualifiers. I’m a personal branding photographer and consultant, and this is for my base package.

    First Impression Personal Branding and Signature Images Package (still revising the name)

    Are you a coach, consultant or other transformational leader committed to growing your online authority and emotional connection with your…Read More

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    • I like it! I think it’s very clear who you are talking to.

    • Are you a coach, consultant or transformational leader committed to growing your online authority?

      Do you desire to connect more deeply with your ideal clients?

      Are you committed to being boldly visible in service of sharing your gifts with your right-fit clients?

      Are you ready to get vulnerable and playful so you can claim your most unique,…Read More

      • Love it, Shannon. I can always use an editor to trim the fat!
        I stole “joyful” from you! (“Good poets borrow. Great poets steal.” TX Eliot(
        I think you tagged a different Dan.

  • Here is the last of the videos I shot pre-Ask Me Anything. Time to work on new content. 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/joel.elfman1/videos/1680492855753363

    • Hi @bodymindhypnoticgmail-com, I’m confused. So if this is an ask me anything post, it does’t follow the structure and you have a call to action in the video that is murky + a call to action in the text that is asking people to drop a video (but not sure what of) and then the format was to have them ASK you quesitons about this.

      Here is your…Read More

      • Hi Shannon,

        Thank you for your note. Your thoughts are always appreciated.

        My apologies for my lack of clarity, when I said “this was the last of the videos I shot pre-Ask Me Anything”. I shot 3 videos before we started the Ask-Me-Anything series. One of them I re-did in the Ask-Me-Anything format, and thank you for your kind comments on tha…Read More

        • And the idea of asking for videos showing how people do their own unique versions of Confidence came from what I thought was a wonderful suggestion from Amy during one of the August sessions. I ran w/ it, even though the video & written requests don’t match up. I’m trying to loossen up my must-be-perfect vs. my get-it-done sides. LOL

        • Hey @bodymindhypnoticgmail-com – no appologies need and no worries at all. 🙂 I was just confused on trying to give the feedback, I didn’t understand (or missed it) that you had started before. I love that you are letting go of the must be perfect – yay! Keep up the great content creation.

          • Hi Shannon,
            Thank you. you for the encouragement. I am much more comfortable putting out content, and I could not have done that w/o the two of you.

            I should have been clearer about intent, and what format I was using, especially if not AMA (last month’s topic). It is hard for you to give dadvice if I am not clear on what help I need or what my…Read More

  • Trying out Bold Qualifiers – for my “Tango Training Class” (which I want to expand beyond tango dancers but those are the people who like it and are coming to it at the moment.)

    To get the best results for the “tango training class” you are a person:

    who can walk comfortably for 20 minutes
    who is ready to make time and space for you…Read More

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  • Here’s my first swing at Core Values!

    Badassity Core Brand Values

    Full Expression
    We believe in supporting, facilitating, and celebrating the growth and full human expression of every individual we touch. To steal a slogan, we want you to be all you can be.

    We believe even the greatest idea, the most skillful practice, or the most…Read More

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    • Reading this the day after, it feels fussy in places. Working on simpler declarative statements. (The statement on Service is a good example.)

      • @danbadassity-com – I agree with you – this a good first draft, but wordy. Have you had a chance to get these more concise?

        • Next draft is cleaner:

          Full Expression
          We support the full human expression of each individual we touch. We celebrate the most radiant you.

          We believe in continually re-imagining every aspect of what we do to more deeply serve our clients’ bold visibility.

          We believe in getting real while cultivating the best in us.…Read More

  • Here is a new video, I made. It was shot before Ask Me Anything. But I am putting a link to it in the comments of my Ask Me Anything vid. https://www.facebook.com/joel.elfman1/videos/1366883367229324

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    • Hey there Joel. Once again, this is great snipped content for showing your expertise, but you are not getting the full effect of Ask Me Anything content – which is to get people to ASK YOU QUESTIONS. 🙂

      • Hi Shannon,

        Again, my apologies for my lack of clarity, this video was shot pre-Ask-Me-Anything and not meant to use that format. I posted it here, to show I was getting things out the door using my CP type. I will certainly consider doing something similar using the Ask-Me-Anything format. And I will sit for a little bit, and ponder any…Read More

  • This was a video post – see FB link – https://www.facebook.com/joel.elfman1/videos/797480928727954
    so I kept the text simple
    Ask Me Anything!

    Topic: How I changed the aggressive, nasty, hostile, internal voice in my head to give myself more love, kindness & understanding

    What questions do you have for me?

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    • Great video–full of emotion. Did you watch it back? Are you looking the camera in the lens? To me, it looks like you have flashes of looking at it, but you’re mostly looking below it. Do you see what I mean? It would be so powerful if you were speaking straight to me instead of my belly button.

      • Hi Ruth, Thanks, I totally hear you & I think I’m going to have to get a new camera. The lens is above eye level, so although. I’m getting better at looking at the screen, I’m still below the level of the lens. Looking up higher feels awkward, a new camera might be the best option, and allow me to talk more naturally, and look right at you.

        • Just keep rolling with what you got. If you were consistent in posting videos, I would say maybe. But right now… keep it going.

    • Hi Amy,
      Well, a got 1 reply.
      They asked: “OOH! Can you share what you did?
      What did you say?
      What did you imagine?
      Did you move your body?”

      That’s a lot of questions, how do I handle that?

      Do I just narrow it down by saying something like “Those are a lot of questions.
      Let’s start w/ one, voice….”
      Do I narrow it a different way?
      And how…Read More

      • 1. Don’t discredit anyone who comments on your stuff. They are all apart of your aligned audience. you need them. Love on them ❤️

        I think saying what you said – maybe with a little humor. Geezzz, you really took the “ask me anything” part for real 😉 Thanks,
        Let’s start with voice. (you can describe the what and the why. Try to stay away from…Read More

        • Thanks, Amy! They are a very good friend, if the love didn’t show in my reply, it is definitely there. And thank you for the suggestion. It was such a big set of questions, it threw me off a bit.

        • Hi Amy,

          Is this a reasonable answering the “what & why” or is it still too much info?

          “The voices inside our heads impact us, from both the words & the way we say them to ourselves. even when the voice is so deeply buried our conscious mind doesn’t even hear it.

          In my particular case, I heard the voice & the emotion it was carrying loud & s…Read More

    • Joel – THIS follows the format and your caption here is perfect (and look at the views – much more clear and better engagement) – simplicity is key here: Ask Me Anything!
      Topic: How I changed the aggressive, nasty, hostile, internal voice in my head to give myself more love, kindness & understanding
      What questions do you have for me?

  • Profile picture of Nancy Norbeck

    Nancy Norbeck changed their profile picture

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  • #1 – Ask me anything.
    Topic : Have you ever felt disempowered, that something was preventing you from getting what you want or need, or that you try to do something but it seems you are not able to get it – and a friend tells you “duh… it is your karma !” – and you thought you were stuck with that damn thing ! Do you feel karma is…Read More

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    • Nice, Claire. Are these both business-related or is one meant to be connection-building? #2 seems to broad to invite specific questions. For #1 my questions would be “What is Karma?” “How do you read it?” “Can you read someone’s Karma by reading about them or meeting them online, or do you have to see them in person?” Then again, this is not my…Read More

    • Hi @catpeltiergmail-com – I agree with Ruth. These topics are too broad and wordy. What about something like this: What questions do you have about Karma? or Do you struggle with meditation but want to get better at it? What questions do you have about this?

  • I am terrified of rattlesnakes! So there I was, hiking in the bone-dry Texas canyon, keeping my eyes glued to the ground. All of a sudden, something caught my attention behind the bush up ahead. My heart stopped as I spotted an enormous bison blocking my path. A pissed-off bison, mind you… and it came charging at me! I quickly darted behind…Read More

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    • My main question after this prompt, even being familiar with your story, is “What does a bison have to do with burnout?” Is that what you’re looking for, or did you want to provoke a more substantive burnout-related discussion?

    • I like this question as it is written: How a charging bison gave me a crash course on burnout.

      I see where Ruth is coming from that is might be more thought provoking. I think you should experiment with this one and see what happens.

    • You have probably experimented by now… but what it tells me is that if a charging bison can teach you about burnout, I know I can ask you absolutely anything !

    • It is an amazing concept.
      I would possibly open slightly differently.
      “There I was hiking in the bone-dry Texas canyon, keeping my eyes glued to the ground for rattlesnakes. Frankly, I am terrified of rattlesnakes! All of sudden….”
      While I love the line “what a bison taught me about burnout”, I get that a charging bison can teach you about str…Read More

  • Ask Me Anything!
    1. TOPIC: The journey from beginner to performer
    Whether you’re starting off on voice or another instrument, there are certain qualities you need in order to be comfortable and confident playing or singing in front of others. Even simple pieces in informal settings may cause anxiety or jitters.
    Has this happened to you? What…Read More

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