• Could anyone please send me the chat from today? I had issues with Zoom again.

    My email is info@KerstinPeters.ca.

    1 Comment
  • Who wants to get together on Friday to work on our 3-Step Process?

    Here is the link:

    Topic: Brainstorming with fellow Content Personality Members
    Time: Feb 3, 2023 10:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
    Every week on Fri, 3 occurrence(s)
    Feb 3, 2023 10:30
    Feb 10, 2023 10:30
    Feb 17, 2023 10:30

    Join Zoom…Read More

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  • Here is the 2nd draft. Hopefully, it fits in-line with what Shannon was suggesting.

    How Do You Change a Successful Habit?

    I was working w/ a long-time, 40-something client the other day. Let’s call him Sam. He has created an amazing start-up and works 2-3X harder than anyone I know. Looking over his To-Do List makes me tired.

    And yet, t…Read More

  • Anyone want to pod/collab this week? Amy helped me write up a good section of a Winning Workshop before she left. And I just realized I don’t have a landing page for it. We did a great job helping Ann on Saturday creating a landing page. Modeling it after one of Shannon’s. I’d like to do the same. I’ve got some other projects to do, but I think…Read More

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  • Here is a rough draft of an article I’m writing. The language needs tightening up for sure. But I was committed to getting it up on the wall today. All suggestions are welcome. I’m thinking of putting it up on LinkedIn and shooting a short video talking about it.

    How Do You Change a Successful Habit?

    I was working w/ a long-time,…Read More

    • Hi Joel! I like the story direction of this! I think you could definitely position your expertise by expanding out on “the work” you did with your client. What was it? Why did you choose that particular modality? What is the maintenance work as the client continues on this journey?

      • Thanks Shannon. I’m glad you like the direction. This one was a fun one to write, and hopefully to shoot the video for. I’m still working on how much to share or not about technique & modality, and your guidance is always much appreciated.

        • I was just in a networking call, and when I was asked about what’s my ask, what kind of people I wanted to meet, I used a story about this client to say I wanted to meet more people like this, who are finding their successful strategy is hitting some limitations and are looking to create some change.

  • Does anyone want to meet tomorrow morning at 10:30 AM ET to discuss progress and brainstorm other possibilities of sharing our core values?

  • I made a video that includes my “what I do” statement along with my values. It’s on the homepage of my website.

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  • Profile picture of JulianneMiller, AFC®

    JulianneMiller, AFC® changed their profile picture

  • Behind the times; I’ve been focusing on TCE.
    Here are a few values to start with some digging deep. I’ll leave it here tonight for any feedback but I do need to review and dig deeper to see how to implement it into the business.
    Thanks for the review!

    Confident- I believe that women should feel confident understanding and managing their money on…Read More

    • you switch between “we” and “I”. Just wanted to make sure it was intentional.

    • Being from a small town and living in one now – your trust statement is right fucking on! How you explained Integrity is very kind. I could see where using Sincerity would be better. Instead of relationships do you use community? or People.

      • 😁 Right?! I do like Sincerity better than Integrity. That’s closer to my heart. I really reflected on relationships over the weekend and connection really hits it for me. It’s not only the people that I meet but the next connection that we forge. Some develop into relationships; all are important at some level.

      • But I’ll need to change the definition on that word then. Not all of that will work

      • Tell me your thoughts on this updated copy:
        Confident- We believe that women should feel confident in understanding and managing their money on their own terms
        Trust–We believe that relationships are built on trust and not on gossip or false stories
        Sincerity-We believe that we all benefit when we’re honest with ourselves and others about our…Read More

        • These sound good to me, Julianne! Is it important to you that most of your sentences don’t have periods on the end? And I wonder whether the list would be even more effective in a different order. Have you played with the ordering of the middle three?

          • lol Thanks Ruth, that’s modern vernacular to leave off punctuation (common on social media) but I would normally include the periods. I have not thought about the order; interesting to think about. So I would probably put them in order of the client process then: Trust, Sincerity, Compassion, Confidence, and Connection. I adjusted the words a…Read More

            • Yes, that’s a good adjustment for the value words. I like your new order but I also like starting with Confidence because that seems like what your people are looking for and that’s what they’ll see first. In which case you’d be back to your initial order! Sit with both and see what feels right to you. The only thing about the puctuation is when…Read More

  • I’m testing putting my Core Values in my signature line

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    • @bodymindhypnoticgmail-com I like it – but it needs way more context than just three words. Maybe what you mean is attach the graphic to the email – I wouldn’t do that. Increases chance of going to spam. But I would copy and paste those three lines and put them below your signature for sure.

      • Thanks Shannon, that makes sense. Some people will also download w/o attachments. I will play w/ putting the Core Values in columns underneath.

    • The image is quite big at the end of an email. I would put one core value at the end of your email signature. Then rotate them monthly.

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