• Before I post on this month’s topic, here is the link to my landing page for my new 1:1 program – I d love some feedback on
    Is it clear enough ?
    Would you say “Yes that’s me” / “Nope, not for me” (that is also an answer) / “Oh I now someone who needs this” ?


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    • I really liked some of the language and it resonated with me, or I could think of people who it would resonate with. The first part stood out: You’ve followed the flow of life…

      When I got down to the next part, the first line about having a job, or having had a job that motivates was confusing to me; the rest of this part made a lot of sense.…Read More

      • good feedback, Blair!

      • Thanks for your input Blair !
        I ll think about your point about having a job. I have included it in my ideal clients as they are professionals – as opposed to a few clients I have had before who where unemployed, and for some reason, they never finished the sessions they committed to and it was a ‘fail’.

    • I like a lot of this. This 1st paragraph feels a little awkward and center justifying makes my brain wander confused from line to line, unless that is the effect you want I would re-align the lines.

      You’ve followed the flow of life
      and now want to understand:
      * who you are,
      * if you’re in the right…Read More

    • I would get rid of “* you’ve had, or still have, a career, a job that motivated you, responsibilities, you’re a manager, partner, CEO, or have a project, “ I think it’s unneeded & confusing. You could include a note about working with professionals elsewhere if you deem you need it.

      And the last bullet point, feels a bit different from the other…Read More

  • Was thinking clearer after the call about “What are my ideal clients doing incorrectly” (my ideal clients are people that want support to help them realize an unfinished course, unmet goal, a wish unfulfilled, etc) So when I did a market research question I heard this as their problem:
    -They are getting discouraged
    -They are getting…Read More

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    • Hi Whitney, these are very valid points for not finishing something. I think there is also a tendency to over-buy/ consume as there are usually plethora of offer on the market and on the internet and SM, we think this one will do the thing and fall into the marketers’ trap when – depending on what you do but that applies to a lot of stuff – we…Read More

      • You have a great point, Claire! Which makes me wonder… can you get clearer on the overcommitting? They are overcommitting to multiple courses/coaches/support.

    • Hi Whitney, I am wondering what mistakes people make that lead them to feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, trapped, overcommitted?

    • Hey Whitney! Can you put a picture in your profile please? A pic of your lovely face? Maria will be at the 3rd wed this month to answer tech/substack quesitons!

      • will add a pic and get caught up here later – still not sure how best to navigate this platform so will get familiar with it soon (partial luddite here!!)

  • This idea comes from somatic movement – 1st you have to yield (relax) to gather your resources and push/stretch to an action or goal. I thought I would get people’s feedback. And I’m thinking about using my recent accident as part of some articles. Might as well try and make lemonade. 🙂

    Topic- why relaxation is so important to moving…Read More

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    • Love this. There is an expression in recovery “don’t just sit there, do nothing” which I love. Or as my parter’s uncle who is a doctor is prone to say…”sometimes you have to go slow to go fast” (usually related to healing)

      • Thanks Whitney, I love this quote, ”sometimes you have to go slow to go fast”. I’m not sure if it might be a little repetitive to 1or2, but worse case, it can be a substitute. In the meantime, it is a great statement that I think everyone can elate to. Thank you so much for sharing.

    • Love this Joel, also I think :
      Relaxing allows room for healing
      Often time healing from injury and disease is about connecting to the body

    • What Whitney said – I was also told “Don’t just do something, sit there,” as in take the time to feel into what is happening and allow yourself some space/time before acting, rather than what we are usually pushed to do is “don’t just sit there, do something!”.

    • mistake 2 is good!

    • One of the mistakes that I have made is not recognizing my body’s cues or signals that I need to rest or relax. It took me many years to recognize those little cues so that I could sit and do nothing to give my body the time it needed to heal.

  • Hello – I’m looking forward to joining the Club this week and getting started. Currently I am developing a program to help women tease out a dream, desire or goal that is either a whisper, or an old roar untapped and bring it to life through accountability, good old cheerleading and baby steps that lead to leaps. I am also doing training in…Read More

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    • what came clearer on who you help, Whitney, in this first week of working on the messaging. It is fun to see what we write one week and how it can be clearer or deeper a week later. ❤️

  • Hi All,

    In February I want to focus on my new 1:1 program – it is built on various modalities I use and I feel will be more robust than what people buy most of the time : a Pack of 3 sessions.
    Could you have a look at the landing page (I went back to the content lesson on Landing pages) and tell me :
    Is it small enough when I talk about…Read More

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  • #2 in a value messaging sequence I’m posting on Linked In. What I’m really trying to get across is the difference between a photo that evokes a sense of emotional connection and one that doesn’t. I want readers to feel, yeah, I want emotional connection in my photos!

    Seven jobs your personal brand images should be doing for you –

    #2 -…Read More

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  • Okay, I’ve created a proof of concept for my monthly “newsletter”. I’m open to any and all feedback – particularly on how I’m framing the intent in the introductory section. This issue is a little fat, to give a sense of the kind of articles I’m imagining. Let me know what you think! Any kinds of content you’d like to…Read More

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    • @danlewis, Wow!! I love this!! I love how you share with the reader glimpses into your expertise- contrast, choosing stone to reflect being solid and grounded; the softening of the tangled vines. Love the topics too.

    • This is really good. Next level feed back here-
      Client Story:
      Executive Coach Roxanne Hori

      NO ONE CARES about a Client Story. You have to give me an attactive headline to get people to read your client stories. What woud you stay to stop my scroll?

  • Hey folks! I have been working on a Value Messaging Post, and I would love your thoughts on it. Thank you in advance!

    Selling: the Business Podcast Accelerator sample call ROI Clinic

    Topic of that call: Using Your Podcast to educate + nurture new leads, Case Studies + Hotseats for attendee podcast optimization.

    Destination: This will go…Read More

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    • @megandougherty I love the simplicity and efficiency of this post. It gets straight to the point and provides immediate value.

      I wonder if you could simply this line, “There are a few different ways you can position a podcast on your website and in your sales process to increase your know like and trust factor, shorten sales cycles, and let…Read More

    • How can we make it more about them – less about you in the last line?
      “we’re going to be looking a”
      “You will have a chance to see how other businesses have suscessfully impliemnted these three tips to their prodcasts to close more sales.”

  • There are TWO bonus Wednesdays in January where we won’t be meeting. What can you focus on between now and then?
    1. Watch and create the messaging from a past video that you have been eyeing
    2. Use the “Connect” section of the Playbook (under Starter Kit) to reflect on your content over the last 4 months. Does it check the boxes, if not – rework…Read More

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  • Content Type: Thought Reversal Post- is this clear and effective? Thank you. 🙏🏼

    Title: The LIMITATIONS of mindset work.

    As a leader, I’m sure you’ve done lots of mindset work over the years. And, it’s likely taken you a distance in your success.

    🔥 However, it is limited.

    Here’s the thing.

    💎 Mindset work uses energy, time, focus…Read More

    • what do you mean by “And, it’s likely taken you a distance in your success.”?

      • @amyhager “And, it’s likely taken you a distance in your success.”? = mindset work has helped them to achieve some success… but mindset work requires focus, energy and time. Does this make sense? Is there a better way to say this?

    • I am getting lost in this too: It takes a toll on you… and frankly, you have other things requiring your time, attention, and desires to fulfill that you’d like to use your energy for, right?

      Mindset work involves dealing with your thoughts and beliefs. These exist as part of your nervous system, personality and Ego.

      As such, whenever cir…Read More

      • @amyhager Mindset work comes with a cost- time, energy and focus- essentially, when we do mindset work we’re wrestling wiith our thoughts, beliefs and stories.

        Maybe i should just take this section out? Would it make sense without it?

        Bottom line: circumstances are always changing which requires constant mindset work… which takes a toll on…Read More

    • small tweak: 🔥 Navigating changing your mindset while in a leadership role means there’s a lot of activation, which is where stress arises from. You’re constantly working with your mindset- trying to reset your thoughts and untangle from your beliefs.

    • This is SOOOO Clear: 💎 What if you could access a part of you that doesn’t change in response to circumstances? A part that remains unchanged even when your whole world feels turned upside down, giving you access to your deepest wisdom.

      💎 What if you didn’t need to wrestle with your thoughts and beliefs?

      You CAN reconnect with this part of you…Read More

      • @amyhager… thank you so much for your thorough feedback on my post. So appreciate it.

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