Not sure if we are meeting now, Kerstin, did you organize a zoom link? if not no worries, Ill catch you all tomorow
Here are my 5 Core Value
Creativity: I believe everyone is imaginative. They can uniquely express themselves and learn through visualization. Creative expression provides a wonderful bridge when language barriers arise.
Community: I believe when members of a group support and inspire each other, it makes participation more fun and encourages…Read More
January 2023: Core Values for your Brand
Possibility – I believe we all hold gifts that remain hidden from us. Once we unlock those gifts, we can accelerate in our lives and live in our greatest joy.
Transformation – I believe the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies all need support to create expansion, love, clarity and per…Read More
Here’s the first go-around of my values statements. Comments welcome.
What do you think about changing it to mutual respect versus mutual integrity. As a matter of fact I might incorporate it into my verbiage 🙂 Great job girlfriend!
KerstinPeters is with JoelElfman
Are you still working on your core values? We are getting together again tomorrow at noon ET.
Kerstin Peters is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Club Members
Time: Jan 10, 2023 12:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom…Read More
Kerstin Peters is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Club Members
Time: Jan 10, 2023 12:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81414121241?pwd=VG9aZTdGNis1RVcyaGg4T0g0T205QT09Meeting ID: 814 1412 1241
Passcode: 064801
I made a pop-up subscription form. Here is a screenshot. This still needs to be corrected by Safrianna’s suggested change.
Great idea. I love the layout. The third core value doesn’t flow yet. I would take out to be resourceful.
Would love your brilliance with some assistance with Core Values statements – these for the International Argentine Tango academy. Are they repetitive? Are they in the right direction?? Thoughts and feedback please!
Cultural expansionWe believe that a successful tango academy supports a community and its…Read More
This is great as is and you can run with it. If you want to take it a level deeper – what else can you say besides “classes, workshops, retreats”. What are 3 steps (that are an experience and can tap into emotion and the results ) that people will go through instead of “classes, workshops, retreats” for your second line about bodies can learn.
@amymshannonhernandez-com thank you – are there examples of what you mean “3 steps”? Are you saying that I state that we believe in these 3 steps? or words like transformation, growth, discovery, connection?
Because ultimately they want to learn to dance… right? will people wonder if they will??? lol!!!!
This is terrific.
I would move “We believe in creating dancers not just students.” Maybe as the 2nd statement. It is simple, beautiful & clear.
The learning statement I think can be written in slightly 2 different versions.
1. – We believe that all bodies can learn argentine tango. Classes, workshops, retreats, and cultural immersions all ser…Read More-
These are great Suggestions @joel. I like the 1st one best and I wonder about using the word “wonderful” – it feels a little empty…. does it?
I would change the second one: We believe that all bodies can learn argentine tango for practice, growth, improvement and self-expression.
this is so concise – i love it a lot = thank you…. @kpetersdomingoinformatics-ca
I need to create a landing page for my 3 month virtual “Breathe to Heal” program my Monday (Ack!). Is there anyone who might have time tomorrow to help me? I’d be beyond grateful.
After a terrific consult, I came up w/ these 3 Core Value Statements. Many Thanks to today’s pod people, Kerstin Peters, Susan Lazar Hart & Ann James
– CONNECTION – I believe that the more our conscious & unconscious connect (align), the better we are able to access the vast array of resources within us
– FLOW – I believe when mind & body w…Read More
Joel – these are really clear and the fact you got it down to 3 is super impressive!
I like the use of the word align in your connect statement.
Suggested change to RESILIENCY for clarity in reading – I believe in our ability to be resourceful and bounce back, regardless of the curve balls life throws us. This invaluable trait can be m…Read More
Hey everyone! I’m Safrianna Lughna and this is my first post here in the Content Personality Club. I am so happy to have met Shannon and Amy in 2022, and to have the opportunity to work with them and all of you in building my brand through this club! I can’t wait to offer others feedback as well.
I’m here in 2023 with much more…Read More
Safrianna, I think this looks really good. I’m not sure how someone will find your website, or what portion they will glance at. At this moment, the only thing I might invite you to consider is among the Core Values I would re-iterate who your community is, &/or who you are supporting “allies and members of the LGBTQIA+ community”.
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so clear