Hello All-
This is a my live for my website. I will edit for publishing after feedback. Please listen for content from the juicy burger exercise. This will go on my landing page. Does this sell?
Thank you!
PS_ the very last clip was an error so it will be deleted.
This is a great video. Lots of good content & anyone can feel the caring & support coming from you.
For me, I think some of your pace & rhythm in different parts of your delivery were similar. It made it a little confusing. Some of the transitions to different elements ended up seeming a little quick or just a tiny bit awkward for me.
Text boxes…Read More
This is MY Juicy Burger Offer- Any and all feedback welcomed.
Grief Completion Circle- 8 weeks3 Qualifiers 1. Absolute Confidentiality 2. Commitment to honest communication 3. Open to trust the process
Offer Details- 1. 8 weeks online zoom 2. $750 for 8-90 minute zooms 3. 4-6 PM x8
1. What do they want? improved relationships…Read More
Looks good! A couple of thoughts: For your perceived roadblocks, I’m not sure what you mean by “time heals all pain” – is it that they think they need to endure for a period of time before they will begin to feel better? Also, for your 3 septs – Completing the pain of your relationship…. doesn’t make sense to me. And #8 – I think it needs…Read More
Thank you Sara- I believe I changed these in the video- as i continued to work on it and integrate everything. I’ll be sure to look.
Sales Qualifier Questions
I’d love to have your lens and feedback on these questions! Thank you!
[from DM]
Thanks so much for reaching out. I’d love to hear – what’s been resonating for you that prompted you to reach out?I’ve got just a few questions to ask so I get to know a bit more “behind the scenes”…Read More
Great questions, Ann. #6 seems vague and unanswerable to me. Seems like you need a range of values. Something like: If program is the right fit for you, would you be willing to invest $600 to $2000. to get the results you desire?
Are these separate DMs or are you asking permission and then launching in without waiting for an answer?
@annannbecks-co – can you please upload your picture to your profile so we see you?
Hi everyone!
Just getting started here in the Forum. Very happy to be a part of this community.For those interested here’s a little of my path… and what I offer.
My CP Type: Live/In person; Enneagram 1 with a 2 wing; Projector 6/2, with mental authority;
I consider myself to be quite introverted- but can definitely pull off an extroverted…Read More2 Comments -
Hello All- I would like to share my Sales Qualifier questions for feedback based on your understanding and/or experiences. Thank you.
What are your beliefs about grief?
What is the grief event that has you considering grief coaching?
What do you believe or desire from coaching/course on grief?
EDITED to add: Are you committed to investing in…Read More
Hi Tracy. As a “retired” palliative care professional, this topic is dear to me. Love that you’re doing this work.
I like the first 2 questions.
The third question is a little confusing…Do you mean “What do you want/hope to get from grief work (course, coaching)?-
Thank you Ann- Yes- it also might be 2 two questions. People have beliefs about how grief impacts/defines their lives and the possibilty of healing or moving beyond the pain. So I think there is a another belief question as well.
Break it up into two questions.
I do think your question about emotion and financial investment can be two questions and you need to have a dollar amount tied to the financial question.
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Mariela Cabezas - soulbusinessdesign.com/
Ann Becks
Great job! Your compassion and empathy is totally flowing through – at the end especially.