• Would love your brilliance with some assistance with Core Values statements – these for the International Argentine Tango academy. Are they repetitive? Are they in the right direction?? Thoughts and feedback please!

    Cultural expansion

    We believe that a successful tango academy supports a community and its…Read More

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    • This is great as is and you can run with it. If you want to take it a level deeper – what else can you say besides “classes, workshops, retreats”. What are 3 steps (that are an experience and can tap into emotion and the results ) that people will go through instead of “classes, workshops, retreats” for your second line about bodies can learn.

      • @amymshannonhernandez-com thank you – are there examples of what you mean “3 steps”? Are you saying that I state that we believe in these 3 steps? or words like transformation, growth, discovery, connection?
        Because ultimately they want to learn to dance… right? will people wonder if they will??? lol!!!!

      • or something like this do you mean: We believe that a successful tango academy supports a community and its journey of discovery, growth, expansion, and connection.

    • This is terrific.

      I would move “We believe in creating dancers not just students.” Maybe as the 2nd statement. It is simple, beautiful & clear.

      The learning statement I think can be written in slightly 2 different versions.
      1. – We believe that all bodies can learn argentine tango. Classes, workshops, retreats, and cultural immersions all ser…Read More

      • These are great Suggestions @joel. I like the 1st one best and I wonder about using the word “wonderful” – it feels a little empty…. does it?

        • Maybe, I wanted some descriptor to give it a little more flavor. You could use “joyful”, some other word, or leave it as is.

    • I would change the second one: We believe that all bodies can learn argentine tango for practice, growth, improvement and self-expression.

  • After a terrific consult, I came up w/ these 3 Core Value Statements. Many Thanks to today’s pod people, Kerstin Peters, Susan Lazar Hart & Ann James

    – CONNECTION – I believe that the more our conscious & unconscious connect (align), the better we are able to access the vast array of resources within us

    – FLOW – I believe when mind & body w…Read More

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  • Happy New Year! Everyone who likes to work on the core values together, I have scheduled the following meeting for Friday:

    Topic: My Meeting with Fellow Content Personality Members
    Time: Jan 6, 2023 10:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting…Read More

  • Here are my brand statements:

    My Commitments

    To my clients:

    I am committed to helping learners to speak German confidently by focusing on conversations and visualization.

    I am committed to showing German learners that visualizing new material is not for kids but will improve memorization, is fun and will increase success.

    I am…Read More

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    • I got thrown off by the term “learners.” It suggests that they are already learning. Are you working with those who haven’t yet started learning the German language? I don’t easily pick up languages and I’ve not had great experiences with language teachers. I would want to know that you teach in a fun and supportive manner. That you’ll make it…Read More

      • Thanks, Brenda. I usually teach beginners. We draw new words to help them memorize new vocabulary.

    • I really like the 3rd statement to clients – it feels clear what you do and it feels light.
      The 4th client statement – has supportive and support and feels less clear. Maybe something like… “…supportive learning community that upholds values of … ” or “…supportive learning community by offering …. ”
      I like the industry statement and of…Read More

    • Here’s another possibility: I am committed to helping my clients speak German faster and with more confidence by incorporating fun visualization exercises and focusing on conversations.

      Your 2nd statement would need the word ‘just’ before the part about kids otherwise it sounds like kids can’t learn the way you teach.

      • Thanks, Annette. I switched out the word exercise, which often is not associated with fun, with activity: I am committed to helping my clients speak German faster and with more confidence by incorporating fun visualization activities and focusing on conversations.

  • What is mine to do concerning my clients:
    IATA is committed to bringing high quality argentine tango instruction to students who want to learn to social dance, to perform, to teach, or compete in AT.

    What is mine to do concerning the industry:
    I am committed to changing how AT is perceived by educating through workshops and classes.
    I am…Read More

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