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    Do you want to become an engaged participant in German conversations? 

    I know how intimidating it is to learn and speak a new language from my own experiences. I did not dare to talk to people when I immigrated to Canada. I was so afraid everyone would think I was stupid because I could not express…Read More

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  • Here are the results from taking part in my Summer Conversation Sessions:
    1) You will become more comfortable and confident speaking German to be an engaged participant in conversations.
    2) You will increase your vocabulary for small talk and feel part of the conversations.
    3) You will connect and practice with other learners to feel supported…Read More

  • Here is the draft for my BOLD qualifiers. I would love your feedback.

    Imagine you travel to Germany and can start a conversation with a native speaker without a translator. Think about how it feels when you communicate to get to know someone. Maybe, you remember a situation when a foreigner addressed you in your mother tongue. How did it…Read More

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    • you are ready to have fun and commit to actively participating in the programme, – instead of mentioning actively participating in the program… what is the results they get from having fun and actively participating?
      Or try you are ready to have fun and commit to actively grow your German vocabulary

      • Only when they are ready to participate will they learn to speak the language. Students often learn lots of vocabulary and worry about grammar but forget that the purpose of learning a language is to speak it.

  • I went live once everyone was out of the house, and then the phone rings and distracts me. Here is my myths FB Live: https://fb.watch/d3QNRURq3O/.

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    1 Comment
  • Myth: German is a Challenging Language to Learn

    Fact 1:
    Every letter and letter combination has a distinct sound. You usually pronounce German words the same way you spell them phonetically. Therefore, pronunciation is easy once you have mastered the alphabet.

    Fact 2:
    Learning German is easy – especially for English speakers. Both…Read More

    • Hi Kerstin, This is very simple and clear. I would consider opening w/ Fact 2, and moving Fact 1 down, German is easy. For Fact 3, you might consider taking out that grammar is the hard part and stay w/ logical. And I would switch the last sentence around to emphasis, you can start speaking w/ others, even w/o perfect grammar. I think it makes a…Read More

    • Hi Kerstin, what if you try to shorten and simplify each Fact so that a 12-year old can understand it quickly — that’s the average reading comprehension of us here in the US anyway. Perhaps a version that is less academic/intellectual may be more powerful and to the point?

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