I have been a little confused about this task “3 expert tips” so here’s my stab at them. Is it something like this???
title : 3 Mindset Shifts to deciding to take your first Tango class
1) Tango isnβt as hard as you think it
Honestly! Remember all that you may have seen on TV is choreographed and planned and rehearsed for your enjoyment. T…Read More-
The title needs some work. Possiblitites are things like: 3 ways Tango can change your life or 3 ways to improve your health with Tango or Improve your social life with Tango.
Possible steps : Learning something new improves brain function, Get your exercise while having fun, Take the awkward out of meeting new people.
I don’t know your ideal…Read More
I think I discovered my 3 step process – maybe? – I have revamped it here…(as the previous seemed more like the focus of each course and not a process within the course). Any feedback?
Stop dreaming about dancing and take ππππ π»πΎπππ ππππ π in synch with a partner in this 8 week Argentine Tango beginners course: In this course you will…Read More
1 Comment-
This is a late response, hopefully, it is still useful.
Overall, I like this a lot.
There is some repetition in the lines that needs some minor tweaking.
1. DISCOVER β Discover that if you can walk you can dance. We take your natural movement to your unique version of tango.β¨2. LEARN β You will learn the basic steps. They are the building block…Read More
Draft!! 8 week introduction to Argentine Tango
Take your first steps to go from spectator to dancer. In this 8 week course
1. We create a solid foundation upon which to build your social Argentine Tango.
2. We learn how to use the most natural and comfortable body position for dancing.
3. We connect with our partner, the music, and the…Read More-
Overall this is okay, and I like what we did on Friday more.
That being said – this feels a little cut & dry. I would consider adding a little more flavor.
Take your first steps from toe-tapping observer to swaying your hips in sync w/ your parter In this 8 week course
1. We help you create a solid foundation upon which to build your social…Read More
love this @amymshannonhernandez-com – thank you
posted Core Values to FB page with CTA to join email list or to join FB group2 Comments-
What a beautiful post! Love the graphic – and look at that engagement! https://www.facebook.com/danielaborgialli/posts/pfbid07iCbCd9aBgYKHf6EECH9jEe7tRLcME5QKcuLvRy2cdK7aJRDkTVsyFjTjmeiDWBgl
I LOVE my new Core Values!!!! Thank you @susanlazar @kpetersdomingoinformatics-ca @joel
I believe that a successful tango academy grows dancers & supports learners on their journey of discovery, movement, and connection.Education
I believe we all have the capacity to move with joy, sensuality, and have fun doing…Read More-
Gorgeous! Maybe consider putting Expansion last in the list or changing “grows” to “nurtures.” (Sounds a little like you’re expanding your academy otherwise–but doesn’t have the same connotation at the end of your inspiring list.) Great work–pithy and energetic!
Thank you @ruthviolincox-net! helpful – and I am expanding and aiming to grow… I like nurtures too…
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Jackie Barker
I love this Daniela and I think it’s spot on. I did have a couple of thoughts/ideas for you too though.
#3 could also be that you don’t need a partner to tango… and then you can go into meeting new people, etc.
Could #2 also mention fitness levels?