• I shared my commitment statement today. Every Wednesday in a FB business group for military women, they allow us to post about our business. Here’s what I wrote: “As a Certified Financial Coach, I’m committed to helping my fellow women veterans take command of THEIR finances so they can live THIER life of freedom they’ve fought for and deserve.…Read More

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  • I’m not going to be able to make the call on Wednesday because I’ll be on a plane to warm weather – woohoo!

    I wanted to share how I used my commitment statement in my marketing this week.

    I’m in the middle of a launch for my program so I created a post and put it on IG and FB. I also sent an email with similar wording but added a little…Read More

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    • I think that is a fabulous way to use the commitment statement.

    • Love this!! Great example! Thanks for sharing with us..

    • Very succinct. I know what you offer and am glad you didn’t add a bunch of “flowery” words to it. Nicely done.

    • It’s a wonderful set of statements. I would only change one thing – Are you ready to get your numbers in order for 2022 and set up for success in 2023? (it’s shorter, and you’ve already used “business finance” a couple of times).

  • My brand statements

    Commitment to clients:

    Get to the root cause of your symptoms
    I am committed to helping women get to the root cause of their symptoms so they can experience true healing and get their life and their joy back.

    Change healthcare so that women get care that honors their mind and body
    I am committed to educating women…Read More

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    • What symptoms do your clients have? I love your legacy.

      • Thanks! Brain fog, insomnia, infertility, hot flashes, depression, anxiety, high cholesterol, fatigue, PMS are probably the most common.

        • Maybe, you can add symptoms caused by the food choices (or something similar).

          • It doesn’t exactly work that way. Stress is what gets the ball rolling when it comes to poor health. Stress leads to a mineral imbalance and then different people have different symptoms, but it’s all the same root. I could pick a “disease” but that doesn’t bring me joy.

            I’ll play around with it.

            • I had the same suggestion.. ‘symptoms’ feels broad to me. I wouldn’t be sure if you were the right person to help me with some sort of example to know… can you weave in a few examples?

            • Disease sounds too strong like it is something contagious, maybe source of discomfort or unwellness.

          • Oh, I definitely would not use the term disease.

    • For some reason I can’t respond to you Sara. I will work on it. The problem for me is all disease has one root. People just manifest from that one root with different symptoms. I work with women who have hormone issues, depression, anxiety, or infertility. In all of those, it’s the same root cause.

  • Brand Commitment Statements.

    • What is mine to do concerning my clients?
    I am committed to helping military veterans conquer the battle over their finances so that they can live THEIR life of freedom they’ve fought for and deserve.

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    • You might consider shorting it for a better flow: I am committed to helping military veterans conquer the battle over their finances to live THEIR life of freedom they’ve fought for and deserve.

    • Here’s a few more options: I am committed to helping military veterans conquer their finances so they can live THEIR life of freedom they’ve fought for and deserve. or I am committed to helping military veterans take command and control over their finances so they can live THEIR life of freedom they’ve fought for and deserve.

  • Draft of my Brand Commitment Statements.

    • What is yours to do concerning your clients?
    We are committed to helping business owners eradicate stress and anxiety commonly associated with business finances by understanding their goals and financial needs so that they can pay themselves first and pay their staff a living wage.

    • What is you…Read More

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    • OHHH BABY! I love these. As you most likely know, they are repetitive – so do you have a favorite three?

      • I think I can probably weed out Humanity and Spiritual. Those 2 I had THE ABSOLUTE HARDEST time with! – Personal – I am struggling with how this one truly looks, but looking at my kids financial upbringing and seeing how there is a lack for young adults / highschool ages, I would like to have something for the 13-25 demographic, I just do not…Read More

    • Tanya – i really really love this “a financial future that energizes them” – such a great thing! (cuz i think finances and i’m only energized by the panic i feel!!! 🙂 )

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