• Here is my landing page for the lead conversion tool that was created from April’s Lead Magnet Workshop. I have connected everything and the delivery emails have been written and timed out. I would love your thoughts and feedback. (I am still working on the mobile responsive settings)…Read More

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    • I love how clean this page feels, and the graphic you have of the two head really feels like tangled to smooth! I also love the title of your LCT. Most of your page seems to be clear on who it is for and how this helps. The only part I was not sure about was this: My ultimate mission is to empower women-owned small businesses and entrepreneurs to…Read More

    • Hi @carriewulfdenprofessionalsolutions-com – good job. LOVE the graphic at the top and the promise/transformation of the resource. I did get lost on the page, there is a lot going on there. What can be SIMPLIFIED and removed? And remember a landing page has no other menu items/social icons, CTA on the page. I’m including a link to our landing page…Read More

  • We can’t wait to see how your messaging has been working. Feel free to share links to your newsletter or social so we can celebrate with you. This content doesn’t just have to live in your nurture sequence. We will review anyone who needs their work reviewed on Wed and work in groups. If you missed last Wednesday’s session, please watch before…Read More

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  • Will you invite friends to the May 22 email marketing workshop? Here is something you can use:

    I have been working on my email marketing strategy and would love for you to join me with my email marketing mentors, Shannon and Amy, on May 22nd. They will be mapping out the 4 steps of your organic Joy Fueled™ Marketing Plan. This plan has helped…Read More

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  • LCT Welcome Letter Draft 2.

    Hello there!

    At the Wulfden, we strive to bring kindness and acceptance to every aspect of our business and community. We want to see everyone thrive, so we prioritize giving back through our sphere of influence and are here to support you to do the same. When we work with our clients to simplify their workflows…Read More

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    • Hey Carrie, for some reason the order still feels off to me and it didn’t feel like there was any urgency. Lots of business owners will deprioritize systems until their hair is on fire (IKYK)… so connecting the outcome they want with the work you do and why putting it off is a poor choice feels important.

      I pulled the in structure from what…Read More

      • I LOVE the rearranging that you did, it is super helpful. I sometimes struggle with the words and tend to go into the weeds. I appreciate your insight!

  • Struggling a bit with the LCT Welcome Letter. I am not keen on the phrase “checklist assessment,” but I am unsure what else to call it. Here is what I have so far:

    Hello there!
    I’m so happy you found From Tangled Tech to Smooth Systems: Your playbook for evaluating how your software and workflows align with expansion and growth. Let’s dis…Read More

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    • I like it Carrie. The only thing I would add is… “I hope to speak with you soon!” doesn’t sound like an invitation. (in sales we have to ASK for the order). What’s the next step or action you want them to take after this?

    • Hey Carrie, I feel like the connection between your values and the purpose of the resource could be stronger. It took me a few reads to get what you were going for, and I still feel like I’m reading between the lines.

      Specifically, I wouldn’t repeat the title in the first sentence. I would use the brass tacks description you have at the end but…Read More

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Mariela Cabezas - soulbusinessdesign.com/
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Ann Becks