• CONNECT post from this month- mistakes (althought the mistake is buried)… bigger issue is I’ve posted 3 times on SM with different topics and had NO engagement… kinda discouraged. 😕 I’d love some feedback on this post. My niche is burnout in women healthcare professionals. Thank you! @clientsmshannonhernandez-com @amymshannonhernandez-com

    Are…Read More

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    • I’m not sure I have the answer on engagement on SM yet…I don’t think people like to READ much there – perhaps doing that as a carousel would help – but for email I like this writing here.

    • Know that even if someone is not engaging. They are still lurking. You will say something that hits their heart and they will feel seen and reach out. Don’t stop and keep showing up for them – but also yourself. ❤️
      I know this isn’t easy, but 3 posts isn’t ‘that many’. You keep getting clearer and clearer as you communicate and stay in…Read More

  • Here is my updated and edited post that I pushed out last week as a LI newsletter.
    It got 181 impressions, 3 reshares, 3 comments, and 5 reactions.

    This is the copy I used in the post when I shared the newsletter:
    I didn’t think it mattered.

    I was grabbing all the “lifetime deals” for programs or software that hit my inbox or were recom…Read More

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    • @carriewulfdenprofessionalsolutions-com wowza! I can see why this got the response it did. Well done! I believe there is room here to also talk about wasting money and efficency. I’m hearing this a lot lately. (Or maybe it’s a follow up LI NL?) Also, I love these two phrases specifically: Trim the Tech Waste and Optimize Your Tech Toolkit

    • I love this Carrie. The title is catchy and the story compelling and relatable. It makes me of think about money (cost of tech) and the impact on business growth.

    • Way to go for getting this done Carrie (we talked about it last week in the Club) – and so successfully!! One suggestion – could you tell us HOW your business transformed after ditching all the excess and streamlining? You say “pivotal shift” “slow productivity and growth” but wonder if it’s like “had XX more hours to spend on YY because didn’t…Read More

  • Hi! I’d love some feedback on my lead magnet title – I work with ambitious, spiritually open women who’ve been in biz 3+ yrs and are hitting an income block and want a breakthru to the next level – This is a process I will be offering as a solution for her to see where her energy is blocked around her biz. The One Word Method
    The 5 minute…Read More

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  • Hey all! I’m brand new here and I look forward to jumping in. I am a quickstart! I am a visual personal and video is my content personality. woohoo

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  • Profile picture of Veronica (Vee) Drake

    Veronica (Vee) Drake changed their profile picture

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  • Hi Everyone- looking for some support with naming my LinkedIn newsletter. Would love some feedback. i want to talk about simple strategies to leverage technology to grow your online community through a membership or subscription.

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    • So I am thinking : Community Garden- when I look at my joyful board plants is on there and my image from the last retreat was a Tree. Any thoughts?

    • what’s the current name? Regardless, I would play off your name, so Reviving Your Communities w/ Reejade. or Reejade’s Revolution Resources for Communities.

      • Hi ! Thank you for the feedback. there is no current name as there is no linkedin newsletter yet 😀 i am trying to create a name for it. i mentioned my goal above which is i want to talk about simple strategies to leverage technology to grow your online community through a membership or subscription.

    • HI – Tech Tips –simplify your online growth

      • OOO- thank you! I was thinking Online Community Made Easy or Online Community Growth Made Easy, OR Online Community Made Simple

    • I just did my first newsletter, and you are very limited as to how many characters you can have in the name. I believe it’s 30 for the name and 120 characters in the description. That being said, I like Grow Your Community Online, and you could make the garden connection in the description. If I saw Community Garden as the name, I would subscribe,…Read More

      • Carrie thank you for your insight! What’s the link to your newsletter I would like to follow. What do you think about this : Online Community Made Easy or Online Community Growth Made Easy, OR Online Community Made Simple

    • @AmyHagar do you mind providing some input here please?

  • Mark your Calendars!

    First Email Marketing Cafe: Lead Magnet Workshop will be April 15, 16, and 18 from 2-3:30p ET.

    Goal: Get you a Lead Magnet that attracts your level 5 buyer–those ready to buy right now!

    Your investment: FREE (link and code will be sent to you soon) with this program.

    ASK: Please think of 3 people to invite to…Read More

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  • Revision 01-
    Thank you to everyone for your wonderful feedback. Please keep it coming.
    If anyone has preferences for the top 4, please let me know.

    This idea comes from somatic movement – 1st you have to yield (relax) to gather your resources and push/stretch to an action or goal

    Topic- Stress & tension limit your ability to move…Read More

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    • @bodymindhypnoticgmail-com 1, 3, 4, and 5 are compelling to me. They seem to be a different angle than what I hear around these topics. and I know you going in depth on each of these and shedding light will make them even more powerful!

  • Here is my post, small topic is the relationship to our body in a healing journey :

    I often dive into a critical element a Healing with my clients so that they become aware of their relationship with themselves.

    The importance of being at peace with your body in a healing and/or transformation process.

    We are incarnated in a physical…Read More

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    1 Comment
    • Hi Claire. Love this simple yet interesting post and question. The first linie is a little confusing to me… “I often dive into a critical element a Healing with my clients so that they become aware of their relationship with themselves.” I dont know what a critical element a Healing means.

  • Happy Tuesday CLUB FAM!

    You can attend our email marketing workshop for free. Please use this code so you can attend for free. (EMAIL47)

    And will you please reach out and personally invite two of your business friends to join us for $47? I have given you some swipe copy below. (please do not give them the code).

    Thank you!

    Have a…Read More

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